Nurseries and Baby Gear

Recent Purchase of Diono Radian R120?

Has anyone purchased the Diono Radian R120 recently? I've looked at all my usual sources (Target, Walmart, BBB, BRU, Albee Baby etc.) and it's not in stock anywhere! Is Diono slowing getting rid of this model since it's similar to the RXT (well except for the headwings which I'm not too crazy about) but slightly cheaper?

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Re: Recent Purchase of Diono Radian R120?

  • I got two from about a month ago.  They were having a discontinued fabric sale so maybe Diono is just swapping out their stock?
  • There is a lot of Diono products on back order, including this and the angle adjuster. They're supposed to be getting more stock in September. It's just that they - again - can't keep up with demand.
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  • Thanks! I also asked at my local BBB and they said that most retailers are choosing to just bring in one model between the two because they are so similar.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • When I have bought mine (2 different times) I have had to search online for stores that have them in online.  It seems that whenever they are on sale, they go quick, so it is just finding the right place.  I went through justkidsstore and allbeebaby at the different times- don't know if either of them would have them in now.
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