
Registering this Weekend

I know this has been asked a thousand times so I am sorry, but the search is not working for me today!

I am especially confused about strollers - any advice?  Side by side or tandom?  Any brand that you love for ease of use or otherwise?

My concern for tandem is that I would like the babies to interact or at least occupy each other as they grow.  Is there a configuration on tandem where the babies can face each other at least or will one always be behind?

Also, what accessories are needed?  Are the carriers sold separately with the car seat bases or is everything bought together in one system/brand to make sure everything fits?

As you can see, I need stroller shopping for dummies over here!

D & L are here at 34 weeks 4 days by vaginal and breech delivery on 11/19/2013
Two healthy boys weighing 4 lbs 15 ozs and 4 lbs 5 ozs.  Only 6 days in the NICU and getting bigger, stronger and cuter every day! 

Re: Registering this Weekend

  • My LOs aren't here yet but here is the info I've gleaned from other posts.

    Tandem vs side by side is a matter of preference. I opted for side by side because I just imagined the boy in front would be kicked in the back all day.

    Most get a double snap and go for the infant seats, they are fairly inexpensive and mine at least seems extremely simple to use. Just make sure model is compatible with your car seats.

    I suggest going and pushing a few around the store to see what you like. They all seemed huge to me but some are more maneuverable than others. I also got a single umbrella stroller for when I want to wear one and push the other or take out just one baby.

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  • I have a DSNG for right now. I opted for the Joovy Twin Roo which is a tandem but the babies sit perpendicular and in opposite directions [if that makes sense].

    I liked it better than the baby trend bc the seats actually snap in and they aren't one in front of the other. I suppose it's a bit wider than a traditional tandem but narrower than a SBS.

    It's compatible w Graco, Chicco and Peg carseats.

    Infant car seats come w one base. You can purchase additional bases. Bases are just for convenience, it is just as safe [but much more of a pain] to strap the seat directly into the car. So unless two cars will be transporting babies regularly, I wouldn't bother w extra bases nor would I travel w a base.

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  • I went with a graco duoglider off craigs list for the beginning.  I used it as a snap and go and now we have a tandem if we ever need one (plus, it was $40 :) ).  Then I got the zooper tango side by side and love it but more, the kids love it!  Spencer likes to hold onto the Sidney's hand, bib, straps, etc, while they ride.  They also like to lean over and see eachother, it is so cute

    Our Twin Baby + a Big Girl Blog

    And with the delivery trifecra of one twin vaginal, one c-section with general anesthesia for twin B, Spencer and Sidney joined us at 35 weeks exactly on June 18.

  • I am madly in love with our Baby Jogger City Select. Right now we use it like a snap n'go with Britax b safe infant seats. When they get bigger, we'll put the regular stroller seats back on the stroller. Then the twins can face each other. You'll have to go to the website to see all you can do with it. It's soooo versatile. I love that I'm not stuck with a bunch of one trick pony strollers- this one does it all.
    Go play with the strollers in store. It's the only way to really grasp what you like. Same with car seats. Buy Buy Baby will let you try them out in your car to insure they fit. Very important!
  • My twins aren't here yet either. But we registered for a snap and a go and a tandem on from target. Is pretty cool, you can change the seats so they can both face out, or face can other or one if each. We also registered for 2 single strollers in case we want to take them out separately. We were going to get a side by side but a lot of the reviews I read said they don't fit through a lot of doorways.
  • We are still waiting for our twins but after much deliberation and tests went with the Bumbleride Indie Twin. To us it was more important to have a good all terrain stroller than a system that will fit the infant car seats.  We did pick up a second hand DSNG for $30 and with just the carseats in it and no babies it's a beast to maneuver. 

    Side by Side's seem to steer soo much better than tandems and I also felt like in most tandems the kid in the back would get the crap view. 
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  • My babies aren't here either, but we took a trip to Buy Buy Baby and tried out a bunch of strollers (that place has everything). With recommendations from the employees, we decided to get the Joovy Roo Twin because the carseats snap in and don't need to be strapped in, the kids can see eachother, and the employee said that depending on how tall they are, they might start kicking the back of the carseat (in the Baby Trend Snap n go).

    As for when they outgrow the snap n go, we've decided on the Baby Jogger City Mini Double (side by side). DD has the single and we love it. The double is also just as easy to manuever as the single. We also feel like tandems are like trying to manuever a bus. Although I've heard the Baby Jogger City Select is pretty awesome too.

  • I'll also add that when the babies outgrow their infant seats, we'll be going w a BOB duallie. Both H and I are runners and the BOB fits our lifestyle even for everyday use. We had a single BOB for our oldest and use the crap out of it.

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