
Edited: Negative Fetal Fibromectin test but on bedrest?

Gibson824Gibson824 member
edited August 2013 in Multiples
I had this test done on Monday after being admitted with some mild cramping and contractions.  It came back negative, but I just wanted to know on average how accurate of a predictor it is.  Anyone's results vary?  I was also put on modified bed rest and on those anti-contraction pills.  If the test is so accurate why all the other precautions?

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Re: Edited: Negative Fetal Fibromectin test but on bedrest?

  • MrsLee04 said:

    A negative result means you have a 99% chance of not going into labor in the next 2 weeks.

    That's what I was told as we'll. they also made sure to say that a positive is not a guarantee that you will go into labor, just an indicator that they need to watch you more closely.


  • Then I am confused as to why I was told to he on modified bed rest for he next two weeks and given a prescription to stop contractions.

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  • My water broke 6 days after my negative FFTest
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  • How far along are you? They may be doing it as an extra precaution since it sounds like you may be having frequent contractions.
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13
  • I'm 33w4d with no contractions since Monday night after the turbutaline shot.  The MFM I met with yesterday prior to discharge placed no confidence in the pills to stop contractions, but I am of course taking them religiously every six hours.

    I go in on Monday for my next cervical check, but all of my tests came back indicating labor was not on the immediate horizon.  Just so confused!

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  • Im 25 weeks with twins. I have a shortening cervix im on a couple different contraction medication. I went to the hospital the other night for contractions they gave me that test and it came back positive they kept me over night and sent home and just said continued bed rest. The dr at the hospital said a neg on that test is a def neg but positive arent always reliable and they arent super accurate he said its even less accurate with twins.
  • I had a negative FFN while I was in active PTL. The test is a guide, not a guarantee. Good luck!
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  • Because things can change super quickly in pregnancy. So if it is looking like your body is trying to go into labor or your cervix is showing signs of change, they will go the safest route and try to keep baby in for as long as possible. At nearly 34 weeks, baby is most likely fine but a few more weeks makes the difference between coming home with you or spending some time in the NICU.
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  • I was on modified bed rest, too for constant BH contractions. I had FFN tests done from 24w to about 32w and they were always negative but as the PP said, it's not a 100% guarantee and as the old saying goes, "Things were going great, until they weren't!"

    I hope the BR and meds keep those babies cooking for a good long while!
    TTC 12/2009
    Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
    IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
    E & C Born 10/19/2012
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  • I had negative FFN tests as well, but was still put on strict bedrest from 26w onward, and took Nifedipine every six hours up until I hit 35 weeks.  I agree that the FFN is more of an indicator/guide, but not 100% indicative of no labor.

  • Yeah, PPs are all right. I had negative FFNs....and whelp, we see where I landed. ;) I took Procardia every 6 hours (on the dot. Including overnight. That was like practice for the interrupted sleep that has become my reality! Lol) -- but it never did anything to touch my non-stop BH contractions that came on at 22w.
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm on modified bed rest after a negative FFN.
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  • I was on modified bed rest, too for constant BH contractions. I had FFN tests done from 24w to about 32w and they were always negative but as the PP said, it's not a 100% guarantee and as the old saying goes, "Things were going great, until they weren't!"

    This was me, almost exactly. I went to the hospital for a side pain at 24 weeks (probably round ligament pain), and while I was there, we found out that I was having contractions every ten minutes or less. I was put on modified bed rest from 24 weeks until 35 weeks, and I had several FFN tests during that time (they were always negative). As it turned out, I ended up going all the way to my scheduled c-section at 37.5 weeks! I think it is good to be extra cautious, though. 

    There is a great bed rest board on The Bump with lots of supportive should check it out!
    Twins November 2012!

  • @gibson824 a bunch of us on bed rest are on high risk board. Wonderful group of ladies. You might want to check it out if you have time.

    Beckett Rilee & Caitlyn Leigh born 9-21-13 @ 27w due to PPROM

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