
Bras Hurt!

For the last couple of days, I feel like my sternum and top of my rib cage are bruised.  I know my bras are too small, and I need to buy new ones, but I feel like it won't even make a difference.  Is this my own fault for stuffing myself in my pre-pregnancy bras!!??

I don't think my ticker shows anymore so I am 20 weeks 5 days.

D & L are here at 34 weeks 4 days by vaginal and breech delivery on 11/19/2013
Two healthy boys weighing 4 lbs 15 ozs and 4 lbs 5 ozs.  Only 6 days in the NICU and getting bigger, stronger and cuter every day! 

Re: Bras Hurt!

  • You need to get some new ones! I had to go up a band size and ditched the under wire.
    TTC 12/2009
    Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
    IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
    E & C Born 10/19/2012
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I was a 34C pre pregnancy and a 38DD at the end. GO get some new bras. You will feel so much better!
    TTC in 2009, Dx: Unexplained IF
    Three TI cycles (BFP...miscarriage), five IUI attempts and 2.5 IVF cycles later...BFP!!
    12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
    Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!! 

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  • i too am still trying to stuff myself in my prepregnancy bras at 21 weeks I'm up in cup size a lot i know and I'm now in need of a new band size but I hear ya! its so so uncomfortable. motherhood has a bunch of pretty looking nursing bras on sale at my local one for like 10$ im going to pick some up after my next appointment. 

    Together 6 wonderful years.
    TTC #1 18 months 1 loss DX unexplained IF-- BFP July 2009-- ITS A BOY
    TTC #2 3 years and 3 losses DX PCOS -- BFP April 2013-- TWIN BOYS!
    ~DS1-Feb 2010~ 
    ~DS2&3- Nov 2013  {7 weeks early}~ TTC #4~
  • I finally got some new ones yesterday and they are so much more comfortable than the old ones. Do it!

  • if money is the issue, get extenders... seriously. it will help your breathing too! and its only going to get worse. 
    I think I got some at lane bryant for under $10 each. and when you need to pay $60+ for a bra, its worth it! 
    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
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