Two Under 2

How do you make friends with 3 under 3?

I am pregnant with #3 due in 2.5 months and have a 1 year old and a 2 year old.  We just moved and are several hours away from all of our friends and family.  I also suck at being pregnant and I am super grumpy and down all the time.  I wish I had a friend or two to chat with!  I've gone to play groups, but how do I get together with someone with my three kids in tow?  Or am I doomed to be friendless until they're in school? 
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Re: How do you make friends with 3 under 3?

  • Are you a SAHM or WM?  If you are working and kids are in DC, I would try to get friendly with the other DC moms.  My DD is 3 and has "best friends" in her class already.  If you are SAHM I would try to find playgroups through or your church.  While you may not meet someone with 3 kids all the exact same ages, your kids are close enough in age that they should be able to play in the same group.  Once your oldest starts preschool, you can also get friendly with the other parents there.  Also try joining local storytimes or gym/ music classes (check your township parks and rec dept and library).  I know its hard to chat with the other moms when you are watching your own toddlers.  Lots of times playgroups have Moms Night Out so you can focus on socializing.
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  • Arielle27Arielle27 member
    edited August 2013
    I am in a very similar boat! It is really hard! I have done, as pp suggested, started making friends with daycare moms and tried to make friends with co-workers when I was working (I work freelance, sometimes from home and sometimes in a school). Truthfully it's taken over a year to really start having friendships with the moms just because schedules are so hard to work around, and I found that my coworkers tended to be young singles or older people, so there wasn't much to build on. I've also joined groups in my area through and I joined a few mommy and me classes when my second was young. Still, it is really difficult with kids of this age. We also live in a big city that requires about 30-40 minute drives wherever we go and where people are notoriously flaky.... So that doesn't help! I've kind of gotten used to making more efforts / being more outgoing than I would normally feel comfortable... I think you have to be in this situation!

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  • I also agree that you should try classes or playgroups. Only have 1, but I met a mom with a boy DSs age-ish and a newborn. Now the music class is over, but we have a play date next week. I've also met moms at the park.
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  • I organize a large playgroup (125ish members) in my city.  It is challenging to 'go' to do things with my 3 (3 that are 3 and under) so instead I put playgroup events up that are in fenced playgrounds, I go to the mall and use my stroller to get the youngest two to the play area and back out, have friends over to my fenced back yard, go to library story times (ours are held in rooms that have doors they close), etc 

    Check out for your area to find a play group or check out the local churches for play groups.
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  • Does your city have a chapter of You can check here:

    I belong to the chapter for my city and found some moms with 2u2. Most moms near me with three kids have them more spread out, but 2u2 moms can relate to an extent. I've met a couple of moms with only one child, who is close in age to my older two DDs, so that her kid plays with two of mine, and I mostly just have to watch the baby while I chat with the mom.

    Good luck! I know it can be isolating to have 3u3. I found it easier to get out there and meet new moms after #3 was born, because I also am not the most pleasant pregnant person.



  • Oh how I wish we lived closer. I'm due with #3 and find it hard to find people in the same boat as me. I just joined maybe you should try that?
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