
FAQ re-do

Let's see what I can remember. Comment on things I may have forgotten, or if you want other things added


1. Where do I start?
2. What are the different types of adoption? What are the pros and cons of each?

3. What are your favorite books related to adoption?

4. How much does adoption cost?

5. What are the steps involved in adoption?

6. Open or closed adoption? How do you choose? Pros/cons of each

7. What is the homestudy process like?

I think that's all I have. Chime in peeps!

Re: FAQ re-do

  • Options
    If adopting internationally, how do you choose a country? I/my hisband have a history of mental illness/have been on antidepressants. Will that affect my chances of adopting? Can I afford adoption? Do I have to have a certain amount of money saved up? Tell me about the home study process I/my husband have an old conviction on our record. Will it affect our chances of adopting?
  • Options
    Sorry for the lack of breaks. The new format deletes them when I'm on the iPad.
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