
IDs or frats? Sigh. 16 month olds and still not sure :/

huntertwinhuntertwin member
edited August 2013 in Multiples
My spontaneous girls just turned 16 month old and we still don't know if they're ID or frat. When we tell people that we're not sure, they usually scream or faint (or maybe something less dramatic, but it sure feels like it).

When they were born, DH convinced me not to do a DNA test, since "we'll just see if they look alike or not when they're older", but honestly, I'm stumped. They look alike and everyone says they have to be ID but I still think they're frats. What do you think?

They're di/di
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Re: IDs or frats? Sigh. 16 month olds and still not sure :/

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