My spontaneous girls just turned 16 month old and we still don't know if they're ID or frat. When we tell people that we're not sure, they usually scream or faint (or maybe something less dramatic, but it sure feels like it).
When they were born, DH convinced me not to do a DNA test, since "we'll just see if they look alike or not when they're older", but honestly, I'm stumped. They look alike and everyone says they have to be ID but I still think they're frats. What do you think?
They're di/di
Re: IDs or frats? Sigh. 16 month olds and still not sure :/
In my professional opinion, I think you have some CUTE di/di identicals! Mine are di/di identicals as well. Just do the test so you know!
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Did they have their own placentas and sacks? They look ID to me. I'd do the test.
The reason I ask the question above is because we think my girls are fraternal because they have separate sacks and separate placentas.
I have didi identicals and I think that you have some cute little IDENTICALS!
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So we'll never really know until they are a few months old? Mine are di/di girls. Now I'm interested to find out if their frat or ID.
Thanks ladies! From now on I'll be telling people they're IDs. You are the experts
They look ID to me! They're too cute!
We just went through this ourselves...our di/di girls are just 3 months. But we did the DNA testing and found out they are ID!! Still shocked.
ID for sure. Their teeth patterns were the first thing I noticed.
ETA--I'm not a mother of multiples. I'm coming out of general-bumpie-lurkdom to say...
They definitely look alike, but then again, the Olsen twins say that they're actually fraternal, even though people assume they're identical because they looked so much alike as babies and kids.
They still look alike, but I can see more differences in their facial features as adults.