Potty Training

Won't go in the potty?

So we've been working on potty training and DD seems pretty ready. We do a lot of naked time and encourage her to sit on the potty. She likes her potty and the toilet and we give her stickers when she sits on it, but we can't get her to go on it. She watches us pee all the time, so I think she gets it.

When she is naked, she will hold her pee until she can't (so she is aware of the feeling to go), then she will ask for a diaper. We encourage her to sit on the potty, but this just makes her upset. We either end up giving in and putting her diaper on or she just goes on the floor and gets even more upset.

Poop is even worse, she just doesn't like to poop, even in her diaper. So I'm not sure if that is making it worse.

Any suggestions? I feel like it will click if I can get her to pee in the potty once, but I'm at a loss of how to make that happen.

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