How far along were you when you delivered?
Did you go in labor on your own?
Did you have complications during pregnancy? Bed rest?
How big were your babies?
Did they need NICU time?
How long did you work?
Any information you want to volunteer?
TIA I'm 15 weeks with mo/di twins and I'm so nervous.
Re: Questions for mo/di moms
2. Every pregnancy is different, so people's answers may not be an accuate indication of what to expect yourself.
To answer your questions:
37 weeks 1 day, I went into labor on my own, and didn't make it to my scheduled c-section date.
I did not have complications during my pregnancy, I was very lucky. The only thing I had was extreme morning sickness from week 6-16. No bed rest.
Our girls were 6lb 2oz and 5lb 4oz. They thankfully did not need any NICU time.
I have an office job, and I worked until I went into labor (literally happened at work - but these were my first kiddos so I had no idea I was in labor until the next day)
Just try to relax and eat some protein.
Why did you have a scheduled c-section? Also my doctor said I can't go passed 37 weeks with mo/di twins. I will do as she says but I'm worried because my DD was 41 weeks and only 5lbs 6oz.
I choked down as many ensures as I could stomach to help with the birth weights. There's no way for me to know if it helped, but my girls were Ok weights at birth.
- I delivered at 33w2d, due to pre-e.
- Never went into labor
- Not really. Just the pre-e, started at 32w and was hospitalized at that point.
- 4'10, 4'10, and 4'3
- 13, 11, 13 days
- FT until 28 weeks, PT until 32
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
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No bed rest for me so far. I have had some complications, baby B was IUGR. Still a lot of growth discordance but things are currently looking pretty good. I also developed GD even though I do not at all fit the profile. The plan is to deliver me anywhere from 34-36 weeks depending on how things look at my growth scan next week.
I plan to stop working at 33 weeks, currently having severe pelvic pain.
My advice is to try and enjoy every good day you have, there will be some hard days. Also, as everyone says, try to get LOTS of protein. I believe it helps with growth and I have felt like it is one of the few things I can control. Good luck!
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!
Did you go in labor on your own?
c-section, never labored
Did you have complications during pregnancy? Bed rest?
TTTS accompanied with discordant growth/growth restriction of donor who had poor blood flow. I was on modified bed rest and hospitalized for monitoring starting at 24 weeks.
How big were your babies?
Little one was bigger than they predicted at 2lbs, 13 in and the other was 2lbs 7oz 14.25 in
Did they need NICU time?
10 weeks
How long did you work?
Stopped working at 22 weeks.
I would be educated of the risks, see an MFM, rest as much as you can, eat a really good high protein diet, and most ENJOY your pregnancy. It's kind of impossible to prepare when outcomes can be sooo different. So I'd suggest try not to worry too much until you are given something to worry about (easier said than done sometimes, I know!).
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="
Dx: balanced translocation and LPD
TTC since Oct 2011
BPF 02/19/12, EDD 10/31/12, natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)
IVF (BCPs starting 10/30/12, ER 11/18/12, 5dt of 1 beautiful, healthy embryo 11/23/12)
BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!!
Bed rest from 21w-35w due to short cervix, hospital bed rest from 23w-32w due to PTL
Our rainbows were born 07/19/13 (36w, 5d)
2. Yes, PTL 25 weeks, then when I delivered
3. Yes, shortening cervix/funneling resulted in modified bedredt from 18 weeks on, PTL, contractions, cervix etc reaulted in hospital and strict at home bed rest for almost 10 weeks
4. 4lbs,14oz and 5lbs,7oz
5. Yes, 8 days and 12 days
6. Until 25 weeks when I went into ptl. After that I had short term disability.
7. Try to stay as calm as possible, don't borrow worry, deal with things as they come and take good care of yourself.
How far along were you when you delivered?
37wks. That was as far as my practice would allow with mo-di twins.
Did you go in labor on your own?
No. I had a scheduled c/s due to both babies spending all of 3rd trimester in full transverse.
Did you have complications during pregnancy? Bed rest?
Yes. PTL, diet-controlled GD, slight growth discordance, and high fluid for Baby B landed me on MBR for the last three months of my pregnancy.
How big were your babies?
6lbs and 6lbs 9oz. Both were 19 inches long.
Did they need NICU time?
How long did you work?
Till I was put on MBR (around 24wks) though I was permitted to work from home via email and phone a few hours a day so long as I didn't end up with contractions.
Any information you want to volunteer?
Dr. Google is more likely to add stress to your mind than to calm it. Resist the urge!
Did you go in labor on your own? No; I had pre-eclamsia and my test results came back at increasing levels that morning, we got induced but since baby A wasn't tolerating labor we hd a C section that night.
Did you have complications during pregnancy? Bed rest? All was well with me until 33weeks, at this point my blood pressure started rising and it was reccomended I rested at home more, I was still working at this point. At 34 weeks, my blood pressure really spiked and I had some protein in my urine, after a brief hospital stay I was granted at-home bedrest. I took it very easy for the following two weeks, leaving the house for Dr. appointments. I believe it was the dedication to the bedrest that bought me those two weeks, my doctor was expecting me to last 'maybe' 1 week. Since 36weeks was my original goal, I was very happy
How big were your babies? 4lbs 12oz and 4lbs 9oz
Did they need NICU time? My smaller baby was in the NICU for 2 nights for low blood sugar at birth, but other than an IV had no inteventions.
How long did you work? I worked until 32 weeks full time in office, and then another 1.5 at home. After the hospitalization I briefly wrapped up a few emails and took the last two weeks when on bedrest completely off. (Short term disability covered this as medical leave, not maternity).
You'll do fine, just take it as easy as you can and take care of yourself. I wish I was able to take more time off to rest at home before the birth, even the week I had working from home was one of my most stress free enjoyable weeks of pregnancy. The long commute and stressed in the workplace were adding alot.
I know it's hard, but just try and stay as calm as possible. If you have questions or concerns def ask your doctor but try not to read to much online. Most of all take care of yourself and listen to your body.
Good luck!
Did you go in labor on your own? yes, water broke in bathroom at work
Did you have complications during pregnancy? gestational diabetes
How big were your babies? 5 lbs. even and 5 lbs. 5 oz.
Did they need NICU time? only one, for 4 hours.
How long did you work? up until the end, but I worked 3 days at home and have an office job
Any information you want to volunteer? Rest as much as you can! Enlist lots of help. tell people to make you meals for after the babies arrive. I was nervous the whole pregnancy, so I understand. Just focus on what you can control and try not to worry about the rest. It goes by quickly! best of luck
TIA I'm 15 weeks with mo/di twins and I'm so nervous.