This probably sounds dumb, but I have been having contractions without feeling them for the past few weeks. I know because I have NSTs twice a week and they show up. I assume they are BH. I finally figured out today that I can tell if touching my belly. I had read that your whole uterus gets hard and I guess I was expecting it to be more noticeable, mine are kind of subtle, I thought it was just babies pushing out. My doc said it is very common with twins to not feel them. They don't seem too concerned.
I feel like if I was actually having real contractions it would be pretty obvious, right? Do I need to pay attention to how often I'm having these that I can't feel? These are questions I should have asked the Dr but didn't think of til later.
Re: Contractions Question
FWIW, I had this feeling ALL THE TIME and when my water actually did break and my contractions were 2min apart, I still couldn't feel any strong contractions. Just a ache in my lower back like I'd been sitting in bleachers for too long, but no pain in my front.
3/22 ER: 25R, 20M, 15F. 9 genetically normal, and 3 survived to Day 5
3/27 ET: transferred 1 embryo, beta 9dp5dt=163, 12dp5dt=639
4/25 1st ultrasound at 7 weeks = identical twins with heartbeats?!!!
I didn't think my contrax were obvious and noticeable until after I started pitocin in L&D. I was really surprised at how different/subtle they were compared to how everyone explained contrax to feel like. I didn't think my entire belly got hard. They didnt hurt at all. They weren't regular/timeable etc.
Thanks for posting this. I told DH last night I thought I might be having BH contractions but I wasn't sure. I thought the hard pressure I was feeling was the girls moving around in there. I have an appointment with my MFM doctor tomorrow so I'm hoping if they are BHs that my cervix is still thick and closed (It was 4.6 something at my anatomy scan at 18w5d).
Let us know what the doctor says.
The best measurement of your cervix is an internal ultrasound. The abdominal scan kept saying my cervix was fine, but once they did the internal, we knew I needed to be admitted.