Nurseries and Baby Gear

Favorite side by side doubler stroller and diaper bag for 2 under 2!

Hi ladies, we just found out we are pregnant with number 3! It was a bit of the shock at first as we were actually trying to prevent, but we are getting more excited by the day. That being said, this baby should be here about a month before DS2's second birthday. My oldest hated the stroller, so I never had a double. He would just walk. But with these 2 being closer together in age, and DS2 not minding the stroller, I have decided that a true double would be the way to go! I would really like a side by side, and something that I could also use our infant carseat with. We have an older Graco SN32, and I'm not sure if we will get a new infant seat or not this time. I'm also looking for a diaper bag big enough for a newborn, cloth diapers, and a few things for a not quite 2 year old :) So what are your recs for a side by side double stroller and/or diaper bag for 2u2? TIA!
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Re: Favorite side by side doubler stroller and diaper bag for 2 under 2!

  • I love my Valco Snap Dual. It is amazing. I love the weight, basket, and canopy it has. It's only 29 inches wide, so it fits just about anywhere. I am pretty sure you can get a Graco adaptor for it now off of Valco's site.

    As far as my bag of choice, it's the a OiOi Carry All. My boys are 19 months apart and I can carry tons in there.
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • I have a Britax B-agile that I got for only $337 on and its awesome. It's light, easy to push and steer, fits through standard doors, has great canopies and is super easy to fold.

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  • Thanks ladies! The B-agile was one that I was looking at. I had never heard of the Valco Snap Dual before, but the video review I watched on it was amazing! Anyone else?
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  • City Mini double with a Skip Hop Duo diaper bag.
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    Emily 8.8.08
    Madeline 1.2.11
    William 8.5.12
  • Bumbleride Indie Twin...I had a Coach diaper bag with DD that I loved. I now use a big Louis Vuitton bag for both kids. I carry it everywhere and don't use a purse.
  • I have the BOB Duallie which is amazing and a Bugaboo Bee with an Englacha Junior X Rider.  It's the perfect combo for me.  I also love my Jujube BFF for my diaper bag.  I have a Jujube Super Be as well if we are going to be gone all day and I need some extras that I don't normally carry in my BFF.  
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    We were 2 under 2, now 3 under 3!
    Team Green turned Team Pink with #1, Team Green turned Team Blue with #2, Team Green turned Team Pink again with #3
  • My Bumbleride Indie Twin. Hands down. I have a Cocalo bag that I love for the size and use stroller clips that came with it. For the past 2 years now its been amazing. We are heading into another 2 years with this set as we are expecting #3, and I am so happy I don't have to figure this out again!
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  • I also have the Bumbleride Indie Twin..and even though I have a few months until #2 is here, I have to say I'm in love with it! It's narrow enough to fit through doors, it's gorgeous, has an AMAZING sun canopy that my daughter loves, and it's easy to push. I actually took it food shopping because my toddler refuses to sit in the shopping cart--and she was out like a light the entire time! It's got great storage underneath as well. I also like that the seats individually recline, and each seat has their own canopy so you can adjust it as needed since they will each have their own preference/needs. You can use it from infancy, but it also holds one car seat.
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  • I have a Bumbleride Indie Twin as well - I was very disappointed because as a light jogging stroller it's horrible. And the manual locks are also bad. But for walks to the park, zoo etc it's great. Very comfy, huge canopies and nice basket underneath. It also goes through all doors as long as you don't use the cup holder.
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  • I have a Bumbleride Indie Twin as well - I was very disappointed because as a light jogging stroller it's horrible. And the manual locks are also bad. But for walks to the park, zoo etc it's great. Very comfy, huge canopies and nice basket underneath. It also goes through all doors as long as you don't use the cup holder.
    I liked my Indie Twin but I sold it and bought a BOB Duallie after a few months for these reasons.  I needed a real jogging stroller.  
    image   image
    We were 2 under 2, now 3 under 3!
    Team Green turned Team Pink with #1, Team Green turned Team Blue with #2, Team Green turned Team Pink again with #3
  • We have a Bugaboo Donkey. You can do a side by side and even add the kickboard if your third would like to stand on it. You can also change it back to a single stroller. It's not cheap, but incredibly AWESOME!
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