Hi ladies! Just wanted to introduce myself and ask for any advice and/or suggestions for my upcoming C-Section and Hysterectomy. I'm very nervous to say the least and was hoping one or two of you may have gone through a similar situation and have some ideas to help me recover and get back on my feet quicker...
A little history about my situation. I'm a 25 year old Mom to an 18 month old little boy who was induced at 42 weeks and delivered vaginally with me back on my feet pretty quickly... This time around, I'm scheduled for a C-Section with a classic midline incision and Hysterectomy this coming Monday, at 34 weeks gestation. I have Complete Placenta Previa, Vasa Previa and the newly discovered, Placenta Accreta. I have been on bed rest since 14 weeks, and HBR since 24 weeks. DH is planning on taking 2 weeks off of work to be at home, helping me recover, but my doctor expects me to not be fully cleared for lifting DS and being back to my 100%, for at least 8 weeks. I'm already very much out of shape, given the nearly 20 weeks of bed rest, and I'm just really concerned about getting back on my feet quickly to care for DS at home and for DD who will be an hour away, at the NICU.
Has anyone had the classic incision and how did your recovery go? A C-Section and Hysterectomy? Would really appreciate any insight and suggestions on how to make this transition as easy and smooth a process as possible! Are there any products, creams, support belts, etc, that seemed to help? Thanks so much in advance!
Re: C-section and Hysterectomy... Suggestions for recovery?
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