November 2011 Moms


DD stayed at Grandma and Papa's house for a week and came home saying "Oh crap" when he drops something. >_<
It's sorta funny but I don't want him walking around saying crap while we're in public. I guess it could be worse but still!
     Lilypie - (2Lt7)      Lilypie - (WFOL)

     Jonah Stephen born at 39w on 11/3/2011                Naomi Isabel born at 37w 5d on 5/27/2013

Re: Greeeeeat....

  • Lol! I'm not ready for all of the embarrassing things that our LOs are gonna say.

    DS isn't talking much at all yet. But I'd almost swear that he was saying "oh god" over & over the other day.

    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

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  • I keep reminding DH that now that he's home he really needs to watch what he says around DD because you never know what she'll start repeating. 
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  • I always have to warn DH to watch his mouth around the kids.  He is worse when he is at work and we are on speaker phone or when he is driving.
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  • DD1 was 21 months when she started repeating everything.  It is hard to watch your mouth at times and even things that don't seem that bad when you say them, don't sound great from your kid.
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  • I keep reminding DH that now that he's home he really needs to watch what he says around DD because you never know what she'll start repeating. 

    DH is in the Navy and the term "curse like a sailor" is no joke! DH didn't believe me that Jonah would start repeating everything until he dropped a F-bomb in the car and DS continued to repeat it over and over. I was so mad!!

         Lilypie - (2Lt7)      Lilypie - (WFOL)

         Jonah Stephen born at 39w on 11/3/2011                Naomi Isabel born at 37w 5d on 5/27/2013
  • DD spent the day with my brother and came home with a whole array of colorful language that she spouts during the least opportune times - like the f-bomb she dropped when visiting me at work.
  • DD spent the day with my brother and came home with a whole array of colorful language that she spouts during the least opportune times - like the f-bomb she dropped when visiting me at work.
         Lilypie - (2Lt7)      Lilypie - (WFOL)

         Jonah Stephen born at 39w on 11/3/2011                Naomi Isabel born at 37w 5d on 5/27/2013
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