DD goes to a home daycare lady who has been really great about using cd's. Ever since we started full time daycare 5 weeks ago though, we've been fighting with yeast and other rashes. (Not from home daycare though, we were split between a center for 2 days, and home daycare for 3 and the center was awful).
I've finally got the rashes under control and we are back in cloth. I'd really like to maximize the cloth wipe usage though. I think DD has a really sensistive tushy lately, and cloth wipes has really helped her. And she will now be at the home daycare full time.
Do you think it would be asking too much to ask my home daycare lady to use cloth wipes? I'm willing to pack them up premoistened in a baggy or send dry w/ a spray bottle. We do dry at home and its so easy.
Thoughts? TIA
Re: Cloth wipes and daycare