
May I vent please? npr

Kitiara5512Kitiara5512 member
edited August 2013 in Parenting

Holy wall of text tl;dr

Sometimes I get really really pissed off at my paternal grandmother and my dad's family. They helped her sell off her house, that was in my father's name and was supposed to come to me when he passes, a couple of years ago. So now she has no place in Pakistan to live.
My mom's brother still lives in Pakistan, takes care of his sister who is bi-polar and has a spotty work history because of it so cant get a visa to the US or Canada. That's is the only reason he is still there, even though his wife, kids, and mom all live in Canada.
My dad has three brothers. Two live in Texas within a half hour drive from my parents. Their wives constantly bitch about my grandma staying with them, even though she only stays there a month at a time and rotates between the three houses (she refused to pick a place and just live there and visit the others).
In January, grandma was staying with my parents and said she wanted to go visit Pakistan and would stay with friends there. One uncle bought her plane tickets without saying anything to my parents. Another arranged her visa to go visit, again without telling my parents. She got on the phone and told my mom's brother she was coming to visit in March. Still my parents have no clue she is going until she tells them two weeks before that she needed a ride to the airport.
My uncle is doing shit business there because of the riots and al Qaeda and all the other bullshit. They can go a week or so without leaving the house because it is so dangerous. He had to open a second business because the first one he has had for years has died so badly because of reduced travel.
She does stupid shit there, like going out with 100k rupees on her (a few hundred or thousand $ I think) and then whining when getting robbed when everyone has told her not to take cash because of how frequent muggings are. She cant walk by herself, and you cant leave her alone at home, because she might fall and get hurt. She chopped cilantro for my mom once and then complained about her wrist hurting because my mom made her work (she begged for something to do and that was the easiest thing my mom could find).
His wife only gets to visit for a couple of weeks a year. Two weeks a year she gets to see her husband. This year she spent both weeks taking care of my grandmother instead of them spending time together.
The uncle who bought her plane tickets told her not to come home in July because it would be easier to get tickets in August. Except that Ramadan just ended last week so the rest of August is booked and they cant get a flight out until towards the middle/end of September. And now her daughterinlaws, none of whom have had to deal with her for over 7 months BECAUSE ONLY SOMEONE NOT EVEN RELATED TO HER has been taking care of her during that time, are already calling and complaining to my mom about how neither of them can take care of her because assholes.
THIS SHIT PISSES ME OFF SO BAD THAT THEY DONT WANNA TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN MOTHER/MIL AND ARE HAPPY TO DUMP HER ON SOMEONE ALREADY WORKING OVER 60 HOURS A WEEK AND NOT BEING COMPENSATED IN ANYWAY. And he was taught to respect his elders so he wont be kicking her out or telling her she cant come visit again like he should tell her. And my dad being the eldest wont step up and tell his mother that she cant go again because he is a pussy.
I hate seeing my mom's brother being taken advantage of because of cultural and societal expectations towards dumbass selfish old people.

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