Cloth Diapering

what do i do?!

WE have FuzziBunz One Size Elite. I have noticed that whenever LO poops, they smell really weird... almost an ammonia smell. It does not happen if he just pees though.

Do i need to strip them? If so how do I this?

What causes the smell and How do I need to wash them regularly to prevent this? I typically do a cold rinse and then a hot wash with cold rinse. I use rockin green detergent. and I tumble dry on low.

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Re: what do i do?!

  • Do they still smell when they are clean? Are they the minky or MF inserts? My first thought would be build up. Some people do get build up with RnG, if you think it could be that you could do a hot water or RLR strip. If it only smells after a poop I wouldn't worry about it. When I used RnG I did cold rinse, hot wash, double cold rinse and it worked well.
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