
Puking and fevers

My 3yo vomited twice today while at a party and when we got home he had a low fever.  It went up to 102 so I gave him Motrin and just about 30 minutes later he threw up.  I took his temp again and it was down to about 100.  How do you handle vomiting and fevers?  I mean, clearly the meds started to work but I don't think they would have reached their full potential in 30 minutes, right?  I was thinking of giving him Tylenol in a couple hours but if he keeps puking up his medicine before it can fully work, is that doctor call worthy?  I feel like such a noob.  He's only had one other stomach bug in his life and there was no fever with it.
Formerly known as elmoali :)


Re: Puking and fevers

  • edited August 2013
    I would just keep him comfy and have him sip Pedialyte or water if he can keep it down. Try giving more medicine after he hasn't thrown up for a few hours and is able to eat a little food such as crackers or toast. Sorry :(


  • FhSTAR81 said:
    Try small sips of fluid or Popsicles. If he can't keep anything down still tomorrow you should give your pedi a call

    I concur with this.

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  • Oh and meant to say, sorry, that blows. DS has been having the poops all day. It sucks when they're sick!

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • Thanks all.  I gave him a teaspoon of Pedialyte and he threw it up about 30 minutes later so we waited a while and gave another teaspoon and he begged for toast.  I told him it might make him sick but he said he was starving so I gave him a tiny strip and, fingers crossed, it has stayed down now for over an hour.  His fever went up to 103.5 so we gave him Tylenol before bed and we're hoping it stays down and we'll give him more Motrin before we go to bed.  I hate when they're sick :(
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • I prefer Motrin too. I hope he made it through the night puke free and is feeling better this morning!

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • mbenit4 said:
    I usually give Motrin or Tylenol. Not both. I prefer Motrin cause it lasts longer.
    I prefer Motrin as well but since he puked it up and I can't be sure how much he got I wasn't ok dosing him sooner than the 6 hours and the fever was going up so I gave the Tylenol.  Thankfully he STTN without puking and seems better this morning!
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • Hopw your LO is feeling better! When therr is puke and a fever involved I always go with Tylenol. Motrin can be hard on the tummy.


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