Cloth Diapering

A few questions

So this is my stash so far:image
  • 4 newborn Sweetpeas cover (aplix)
  • 1 size1 Thirsties pocket w/doubler & 1 hemp insert
  • 1 random prefold
  • 1 GMD red prefold
  • 1 small Kawaii (aplix)
  • 2 OS Alva pockets
  • 1 OS cover (not sure brand)
  • 2 Flips
  • 30 Baby City pockets (bought awhile ago, recently found out they're frowned upon)
  • 3 Snappis
  • 35 microfiber inserts
  • 29 inserts? I have no idea what they are.
  • 4 different inserts that I still don't know what they are
In the mail I have coming:
  • 1 Alva OS bamboo AIO
  • 2 Kawaii OS bamboo 
  • 1 Alva newborn pocket (aplix)
  • 2 Alva OS pockets
  • 1 Sunbaby 4.0 OS pocket
  • 1 size sml FuzziBunz pocket
I plan on getting a few more different brands & styles, some bamboo & hemp inserts, and my aunt is getting me a stock of prefolds.

Now here is where my questions come in. I mentioned earlier having some inserts that I'm not sure what they are. Here is a picture of them.
The first one is very thin and is quilted wider. The second is just a tad thicker. They feel very soft. I'm assuming the last pile is microfiber, hopefully I am correct.

My second question is:
I've been reading a bunch on laundry rituals and routines. I plan on using Rockin' Green. I've read about running a rinse cycle first. I don't think my washer allows me to run just a rinse cycle, we have a soak cycle is that what I would use? 

I appreciate any help you ladies can lend. I've been trying to do most research on my own. These are my last questions that have totally stumped me and Google/YouTube/TB/Facebook have left me cold on them.
BLAD reppin'

Re: A few questions

  • By rinse cycle I think you can just do a quick cycle with cold water and nothing in it (no detergent).
    I can't say about the inserts or your stash though since I only have 3 diapers myself right now and still building one lol. But by the looks of it, I would get some more prefolds for the covers because if I'm right not all inserts can touch baby's skin.
  • The middle pile of inserts looks a bit like minky to me & I agree that the last pile is microfiber.  (You don't want this to touch baby's skin, so it need to go inside a pocket.)  I can't tell what the first pile is from the picture. 

    I agree with PP.  Just run a short wash cycle on cold instead of doing a pre-rinse.  That's what i have to do with my washer.  It's kind of annoying to have to go down & start the wash cycle, but you get used to it. You don't want to do a soak unless it drains before the real wash cycle runs.  Otherwise the poo/pee that you "soaked out" stays in the washer while you wash and you'll have stinky diapers when you're done.

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  • Here are some somewhat better pictures of the inserts in question:

    @CLLDLL IDK if this helps at all. But thank you so much with the laundry help too.
    BLAD reppin'

  • Now I'm leaning more towards either cotton or flannel.  Minky would have raised "bumps" rather than the quilted pattern.  Hopefully one of the ladies who does more sewing than me will check in and give you a better answer!
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  • Bumping this in hopes someone new sees it and can help me. :(
    BLAD reppin'

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