April 2013 Moms

4 month check in!

Most of our babies have had their 4 month check ups, or will very soon - let's hear about 'em! 

Anything else?

Miss B went on Friday - she's 14.8 lbs & 25 1/4" long. Pretty routine appointment for us!

~10.23.10 - Mr&Mrs ~ 04.12.13 - Daddy&Mommy~


Every Super Star needs a Sidekick! Miss B. is being promoted to BIG SIS ~ January 2015!

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Baby GIRL #2 is due Jan. 7, 2015!


Re: 4 month check in!

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    edited August 2013
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    12 lbs 4 oz - 10th percentile
    25 3/4" - 90-95th percentile
    She started rolling consistently this week. Put her on her back and she flips to her tummy.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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    Camden went in on July 29th.
    Weight- 16lbs 10oz (84th percentile)
    Height- 26 1/4 (92nd percentile)
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    We went Friday
    12lbs 7oz
    24 inches
    She is looking great Dr said!
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    We went a couple weeks ago. He was nearly 15 lbs. 50th % for weight and 75th for height! He was crabby from his shots for an entire week, but he's great again now.
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    Kaiden turned 4 months on 8/5/13 :)  
    Weighed in at 13 lbs 14.5oz
    Measured 24 1/2" long 



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    It's only the 10th!!! We still have the whole month! Ours is next week! I will have to refind this or start a new one then :)
    Ps love seeing everyone's responses
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    Love reading these too but mines not until the 22 or something like that!
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    It's only the 10th!!! We still have the whole month! Ours is next week! I will have to refind this or start a new one then :) Ps love seeing everyone's responses
    Yeah, I have to wait an extra two weeks before Connor's appointment on the 23rd. He turned 4 months on the 3rd though and when I took him to the ER a few weeks ago he was 16lbs, but that was with clothes and a toy in his hand.
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    My LO doesn't turn 4 months until the 22nd. His dr appt is the 27th.

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    evertzevertz member
    edited August 2013
    Our doctor doesn't do his appointments until mid-month (2m2w, 4m2w, etc) for whatever reason.. So we've still got a month for our next one. I'm so curious how he's progressing though!
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    Appointment was this past Weds. B was 19lbs 10oz and 29" long. She's still healthy and huge :)
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    It's only the 10th!!! We still have the whole month! Ours is next week! I will have to refind this or start a new one then :) Ps love seeing everyone's responses

    This is us too. Our appointment is on Tuesday. Can't wait to see how much he's grown. Our last check was at 2.5 months... :-\"

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    I go to a breastfeeding group and they weigh Cillian every week, last week he was 13 lbs 13 oz, we have his 4 month appointment on Tuesday can't wait to see how long he's gotten.

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    Arianna went a few days ago, and she weighed in at 13lbs 12oz, and 24.5 in.  The Dr is concerned with her hip clicks, so they are sending us for xrays for hip displaysia.  We are going next week, crossing fingers everything turns out okay!
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    It's only the 10th!!! We still have the whole month! Ours is next week! I will have to refind this or start a new one then :)
    Ps love seeing everyone's responses

    Our doctor is on vacation so DD doesn't go in until Sept. 17th. :/
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    I took LO at 4 months 1 week and she weight 17lbs 11oz and was 28 1/4 in. In perfect health! We also got the go ahead to start Stage 1 foods.
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    Fin is closer to 5 mo (sneaky early baby!) now, but back on 7/23 he was 15.7lbs (60th), 25 in (60th) and 75th percent for head size.  He put on a smiley kicky show for the doc and cry time for the shots was cut in half from last time.
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    At his 4 month appt he was
    Weight 15.9
    Length 26.5
    Anything else? Scream talking so loud the drs and nurses were peeking in and laughing. He did better with the shots this time.


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    Ginny was 4 months on the 27th and came in at 13 lbs 6 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. Just this past week, she learned how to roll from back to belly and cut her two bottom teeth. She's going to be an early teether like her brother. Lord help me. lol

    "I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD

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    Ginny was 4 months on the 27th and came in at 13 lbs 6 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. Just this past week, she learned how to roll from back to belly and cut her two bottom teeth. She's going to be an early teether like her brother. Lord help me. lol

    Love that smile she is adorable!

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    Ginny was 4 months on the 27th and came in at 13 lbs 6 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. Just this past week, she learned how to roll from back to belly and cut her two bottom teeth. She's going to be an early teether like her brother. Lord help me. lol
    Love that smile she is adorable!
    Thanks! :)

    "I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD

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    Ginny was 4 months on the 27th and came in at 13 lbs 6 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. Just this past week, she learned how to roll from back to belly and cut her two bottom teeth. She's going to be an early teether like her brother. Lord help me. lol
    Love the new pictures!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Ginny was 4 months on the 27th and came in at 13 lbs 6 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. Just this past week, she learned how to roll from back to belly and cut her two bottom teeth. She's going to be an early teether like her brother. Lord help me. lol
    Love the new pictures!
    Thank you!

    "I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD

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    elbou said:
    It's only the 10th!!! We still have the whole month! Ours is next week! I will have to refind this or start a new one then :) Ps love seeing everyone's responses

    This is us too. Our appointment is on Tuesday. Can't wait to see how much he's grown. Our last check was at 2.5 months... :-\"
    Our appointment is tomorrow as well. Cant wait to hear all about LO's progress. She is 4 months today :) cant believe it! Time is really flying by.
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    We go on Thur. Fingers crossed that she handles shots better this time. Last time was tough!
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    14 lbs 13 oz
    26 and a half inches
    The only rolling is when he rolls to his side to sleep.


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    We went in on Friday.  Pete was 17lbs 8oz (and that was in diaper only)  and 26 1/2 in long.  He is a BIG boy!  Takes after my husband who is 6'7".  

    He is getting good at rolling from back to tummy.   Also starting to try and scoot w/ his knees.  As a 2nd time momma-  I am not too excited for him to figure the scooting/crawling out just yet.  I was so excited w/ my DD.  Now I know how much everything changes when baby is mobile!  Not ready for that yet.

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    Adalyn 9/28/2010 & Peter 4/1/2013

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    We went today. Phoebe is 25.5" 14#2.5oz with a 16"head circumference
    If somebody thinks they're a hedgehog, presumably you just give 'em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves.-Douglas Adams
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    DS went today. He weighs 18 lb 8 oz, is 26" long, rolling both directions and has one tooth!

    Nice!  You've got a pound on us!  We had to wash up the 9 months size clothes because our lil man is getting to long for the 6 month stuff already.
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    Adalyn 9/28/2010 & Peter 4/1/2013

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    My little peanut weighed in at only 13 lbs, but was 24.5 inches long! She did much better with the 4 month shots vs. the 2  month.

    "I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I'm giving you all my love, I"m still looking up."
    TTC #1 since August 2011 MFI Diagnosis - April 2012
    IVF #1 - July 2012 - Stims start 7/2, ER 7/12, 20 retrieved, 16 mature, 13 fertilized!
    ET - 7/17 - 1 blast transferred. Beta - 7/26 273, Beta 2 7/30 - 1143. Beta 3 8/6 - 11,597
    12/25 - Santa tells us "IT'S A GIRL!" EDD - April 4th

    Our Little Easter Bunny has arrived!

    Molly Mildred born 03/31/13

    TTC A Sibling....... FET #1 11/14/14, Transferred one beautiful blast

    Remaining four frosties arrested due to "embryologist error"

    Plllllleasssee stick little icicle.....Beta 11/23...BFN

    Starting ALL over with a fresh IVF cycle

    Stims start 11/28/14, ER December 10th, 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, only 4 fertilized 

    1 Blast Transferred on December 15th..... Beta Christmas Eve... Please Santa, bring me a baby!

    Beta #1 345.....Beta #2....750/ First U/S 1/13/15/HB 131....EDD 9/2/2015

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    K went yesterday. She weighs 14.5 lbs 23.75in. Got the okay to start cereal. She tried it today and actually loved it.
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    C went today he was 14lbs 9 oz and 24 in. Going to start oatmeal in the next few weeks

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    Lexi is 15 lbs 4oz 25" long :)
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    My son is 13.9 lbs and 24 inches. I thought he was pretty big, but it sounds like he is on the smaller side!
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    Mila is 25 inches (68th percentile) and 12 lb, 6 oz (23rd percentile). Long and lean!
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    Our appointment was today but she was 4 mos on the 3rd. She weighted 14lbs 13oz and is 26in long. The PHN was surprised at how long she is but I guess she takes after daddy.
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    12 lbs 15.5 oz 23.5 in long.. did good with shots.. has been very fussy for me but not daddy.. which is very hard for me.. and she hasn't been eating well.. hope to be out of the soon.. 4 mon 1 day old

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    Bummer, we can't get Will in until the 26th but on the bathroom scale it says he's 15 pounds. He won't stay on his back--if layer on his back he will roll instantly to his tummy. He is also FINALLY laughing! It cracks me up. He's getting SO big! Photos are from the cabin this past weekend.
    "As soon as I saw you I knew an adventure was going to happen." ~Winnie the Pooh
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