
This is odd, right?

We're at an orchestra concert, $8 lawn seats. We're with a large group of residents and interns.

A pair of employees just approached us (around 60 years old) and told us that usually kids below five aren't allowed so close since it's impossible for them not to scream. They supposed we could stay but if he "even spoke" we had to move immediately behind the tree, which is where we were "usually allowed to sit". The tree was fifteen feet behind us.

There were no signs about age restrictions and it isn't crowded.

They proceeded to lecture us for ten minutes about how we had to remove him the moment he made a peep and not hesitate or stare at him uselessly or wait or try to hush him.

They just kept going on. They ended by saying they couldn't believe we were still sitting there and it really would be polite to move.

Meanwhile DS isn't making a peep or twitching. I found it very off putting.

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Re: This is odd, right?

  • Dh just called. DS and I are walking around in the back and they came back and made us move.

    I feel like they're being assholes. I may be hormonal but I'm annoyed. DS has been talking about laying and listening to violins for days. At least we're not being kicked out...

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  • You paid your money. There's no signs. They should shut their faces.



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  • I thought you'd left the crazies behind in the move.

    What's the right response to that? "....okie dokie....?"




  • CindyRelluhCindyRelluh member
    edited August 2013
    Just... What?

    I'd complain. If he's not like, having a meltdown there's no reason they should be twat waffles. I'd go ham on a rude ass employee.
  • Sounds like the old fogeys were making more of a ruckus than your LO. I would complain.


  • I would definitely talk to a supervisor about how you guys were treated.  If there are rules about where children sit then it needs to be posted clearly and visibly in multiple locations.  The employees sound really rude.
  • Sounds like the old fogeys were making more of a ruckus than your LO. I would complain.

    The manager was the one who came back and said to move. He was making noise like he'd kick out the while group so dh caved. We may sit with the group anyway and just have a retreat spot... All of 20 feet back. We're not up front in either spot.

    It's embarrassing in front of a bunch of DH's coworkers, none of whom have kids. We may complain later.

    So much drama over a quiet kid.

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  • Fuck that noise. Were there signs posted? Anything indicating that it wasn't a family friendly event? Yeah, I wouldn't move AT ALL. They can go sit behind the tree! Were these people working the event? Without a doubt, I would find a supervisor/manager/some damn body in charge and demand an explanation. I am soooo sorry you had to deal with that asshattery.
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  • Sounds like the old fogeys were making more of a ruckus than your LO. I would complain.

    The manager was the one who came back and said to move. He was making noise like he'd kick out the while group so dh caved. We may sit with the group anyway and just have a retreat spot... All of 20 feet back. We're not up front in either spot.

    It's embarrassing in front of a bunch of DH's coworkers, none of whom have kids. We may complain later.

    So much drama over a quiet kid.
    Sorry. Sucks that people ruin things when everything was going just fine.


  • s0ulchickens0ulchicken member
    edited August 2013
    That really sucks Rondak, I am sorry :(
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  • I've never heard of such rules for an outdoor concert and we've been to a few different venues. Most parents with LOs choose lawn seats for the flexibility and walk their children around if they become restless. That is just weird. 
  • What?! That is absurd. I'm sorry you had to deal with that BS.
    Our sweet girl is 3!

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  • I am so ticked for you. I'd call Monday and raise hell. And if they have a facebook page complain. 

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  • DS sat quietly the whole time. He danced in his seat and clapped when others did. If he had a question he'd whisper to us, but he was silent and enthralled 95% of the time.

    Suck it ushers.

    If they'd had signs or been less lecturey I would have not been annoyed.

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  • Da fuck?

    Sit on it and rotate, ya dusty old fuckers.

    // I love you too. //

  • I would not move.

    I wouldn't move either and I would have made a snarky comment about how they are the only ones making noises.
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  • I am pissed off for you. 

    If anything these cock-gobblins should have been praising your well behaved kiddo. 

    I would not have moved, but I understand why you did.  Being embarrassed infront of your DH's peers isn't fun. 

    Sorry you had to deal with that doll <3


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  • @RondackHiker're definitely not being hormonal on this one. How assinine they're being. I could see them saying something if your DS was acting up, but really? That would piss me off for sure. I'd make a complaint, no doubt. Sorry you had to deal with that.
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  • Spooko said:

    Your kid was seriously cute there, though.

    Tanglewood was great. At the back was the big lawn with no one there. He had a ball running around before the concert started.

    I wanted to snap a pic once it started but it got dark. He was hilarious. Swaying slightly when they played and clapping between movements.

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  • Next time, puke on 'em then crop dust. How rood!

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