During the day he's still nursing every 2-3 hours, sometimes a little longer if we're out doing errands or something. Starting this week he has been going about 5 hrs at night (before that it was every 1-2 hrs).
He's 5 months old as of Monday and he's small for his age (so its not like he's chubby with all of the eating he does). He's a very active boy and was born small so he has a lot of catching up to do.
Right there with you! I feel like I'm constantly feeding him!! I try to stretch out his feedings to at least 2 hours but when he's hungry he's hungry I'm not going to force him to wait it out.
My little man will be 5 months on the 21st and he nurses every 3-4 hours during the day, and gives me about one 5 hour stretch at night, then back to 3-4 hours. He also has cereal between 5 & 6 PM.
DS eats every 3 hours during the day until the afternoon, then every 2. This week he decided to sleep through the MOTN feeding. He'll be 5 mo on the 18th.
LO still demands to be nursed every two hours or so during the day. He usually wakes to nurse once at night, but sometimes twice (and sometimes he STTN).
Miscarriage in January 2012 at 8 weeks
Subsequently diagnosed with low P4, LOR. MH DX low motility, varicocele
BFP in July 2012 (Gonal-f + trigger + IUI#2 (B2B) + prometrium)
Lost Baby A prior to 7 weeks; large SCH; Baby B (Bug) was born in March 2013
With my newly five month old we just hot a groove- wake, eat, play for an hour, snack, play another hour, nurse to sleep for nap, wake, play, snack, play, nurse to sleep.
She only eats after she wakes up when it's morning, otherwise she waits an hour after waking up. LO only naps for an hour so take that into account too. At night she sleep 8-9 hrs, feeds, and sleeps 2 + hours.
DD3 nurses about every 2 hours during the day unless she happens to take a longer nap. At night she goes about 7 hours and then nurses twice before morning.
Annalise Marie 05.29.06
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
my LO has finally been able to switch to every 3 hours or so during the day and he'll make it through the night without waking up to be fed- however he doesn't go down for the night until 10pm.
Re: frequency of nursing?
He's 5 months old as of Monday and he's small for his age (so its not like he's chubby with all of the eating he does). He's a very active boy and was born small so he has a lot of catching up to do.
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Books Read in 2013: 5
|food| |wedding| |books|
C 7.16.2008 | L 11.12.2010 | A 3.18.2013
She only eats after she wakes up when it's morning, otherwise she waits an hour after waking up. LO only naps for an hour so take that into account too. At night she sleep 8-9 hrs, feeds, and sleeps 2 + hours.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13