January 2014 Moms

Why does shipping take so long???

I have a package coming that was shipped out on the 5th from New York and I live in Ohio. I just checked the tracking and it went from NY to Ohio, back to NY and then to Pennsylvania. This happens all the time when I track packages. I just don't get it.

Does anyone know anything about the shipping process?


Re: Why does shipping take so long???

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    DH works for a large brown parcel delivery service and I believe it has to do with the hubs and how it's travelling. Like it might be on a truck to an airport but then that plane has to route through a certain city or pick up more cargo.

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    PCOS diagnosed secondary infertility

    BFP #1 (letrozole 2.5mg + ovidrel) February 2016, MMC April 2016 @ 7 weeks

    BFP #2 (letrozole 5mg + ovidrel) July 2016, Beta #1 359, Beta #2 745, Beta #3 11484

    EDD April 9th, 2017

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    My job is a lot of dealing with shipping logistics. It's not all that rare that a package gets mis-routed at a hub. Much like an airport baggage center, you've got a bunch of people quickly sorting the packages to the right planes, trains, etc. They work so quickly unloading and loading that sometimes things go to the wrong place. For example, I recently had a package going from GA to OH end up in Alaska. In the scheme of all the packages shipped, it's not a majority by any means, but it happens frequently. 

    Both UPS and FedEx have guaranteed delivery, so if you're package isn't delivered on time you can request your money back. It's an easy process for the shipper, so don't hesitate to ask if it's late. If you're not sure how long it should take, go to their website and calculate time in transit. 

    BFP 11.8.12 * EDD 7.17.13 * MC 12.20.12
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