Welcome to TTCAL CheckIn!
I hope I can find you all well and positive this week! Please don't be shy in asking the PGAL/PAL ladies questions if you have them. Lots of baby dust on all of you!
Where are you in your TTCAL journey?
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming?
QOTW: What are some ways you keep relaxed and your mind occupied during the 2WW?
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Re: TTCAL Check In
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? No.
QOTW: What are some ways you keep relaxed and your mind occupied during the 2WW?
Z keeps me pretty busy so I don't have much time to relax. Wine is usually a sure way to keep my mind off things tho.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Last night and this morning have been rough. I keep thinking about Ian and replaying his birth over and over again in my mind. I completely broke down crying last night which I haven't done for a long time now. At first I couldn't figure out what triggered this but I just realized what today's date is. It was exactly 3 yrs ago today that I got my very first BFP. I was so excited! I even wrapped up the positive test with a bow and everything to give to my DH when he got home from work. How was I to know that we would be completely blind sided and heart broken? All our dreams were shattered in the blink of an eye. Even though it has been almost two and a half years since I held him, my heart and my arms still ache for my first baby boy.
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Still can't paste for whatever reason...
I'm on CD 42. No O yet. Not sure if I'm gearing up to O (again...dumb PCOS) or AF is on her way. Last cycle was 44 days. We'll see.
I see my doc next week to talk about the metformin. Probably upping my dose. At this point seems like it's not doing anything but I've only been on it for 3 weeks.
The 2ww isn't my problem. My problem is waiting to O, if I O at all. It's hard. Not sure what I do really...aside from remind myself I have no control.
Whats on my mind? I want to ovulate like a normal person. I want to get pregnant. I am ready.
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
CD 30 of cycle 1. If I had a normal cycle I'd either be testing or AF would be here soon, however, before getting pregnant my cycles were normally 35 days, and since this is my first cycle, I'm not exactly sure what my bod is doing...
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming?
QOTW: What are some ways you keep relaxed and your mind occupied during the 2WW?
May sound stupid, but I before I would plan the day I was going to test (I wanted it to be the weekend or no work so DH and I could spend the day together being excited!), so I was always thinking about getting to that day. Now, because I'm not sure how long my cycle is, I keep wondering if I should test or not...
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
I keep thinking about when this baby will be born if we're pregnant this cycle... and I keep thinking about if it takes us a couple more cycles, when will the baby be born...I really want a baby by next summer!