Cloth Diapering

Four days between washing?

We're going away for a weekend in a couple months. I'd be washing on Thursday and get back late Sunday night so washing again on Monday. We're staying at a cabin so I'll be able to clean off the dirty diapers but do you think that's too long? I really don't want to mess with disposables.

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Re: Four days between washing?

  • I know I've done it once or twice before.  As long as it's not a regular thing, I'm sure it's fine.  I'm not sure if your LO has ploppable poop, but that really helps!  
    DD #1 Eva- April 2011
    DD #2 Violet- October 2013
    DD#3 Due New Year's Eve 2016

  • Thanks! They're generally ploppable so it shouldn't be too bad!

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  • I have done it before. I had a linger though so I ran it through an extra time.
    DS1 - 6/07
    DS2 - 8/08
    DS3- 9/09
    DD1 - 11/11
    DD2 - 10/13
    DD3 - Csection Scheduled November 29th
  • I've done it a few times this summer. I just do a cold wash in place of the prerinse and they come out normally.
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  • I did it earlier this summer washed Wednesday night before we left the. Sunday night when we got home. Did a cold wash with a longer soak then as normal. Took up more room but it was worth it to me.
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  • I have gone that long by accident in the past (we missed a bad from day care before). Everything was fine. You may want to add an extra rinse cycle to your washing routine at the beginning.
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