
Celebrating unbirthdays?

DH and I decided that every year we are going to write a letter to E on his unbirthday and give them all to him when he is 18.  To us it is a way to memorialize that day but not dwell on it. 

Does anyone else do anything for their baby's unbirthday??

Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

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Re: Celebrating unbirthdays?

  • Is unbirthday our due date? We got a cake for Anna's due date. Mostly, I just wanted some cake!! But I also wanted to do something special and dress her up. Not sure if we will continue, but I like your idea! 

      Our Angel Patricia born sleeping 3/30/12 at 31 weeks
    Our Fighter Anna born early 1/8/13 at 26 weeks
    Hoping to bring home #3 due 9/9/15
  • yup! someone on here... @Bostonkisses2 maybe? played the alice in wonderland Unbirthday clip for me last year on his due date and I've called it that ever since :-)

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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  • We celebrate their coming home day instead. They came home 12 days before their EDD and our plan had been to induce at 38w. I figured that was close enough to when we expected them to be born to celebrate. This year we just had cupcakes but as they get older I plan to celebrate it like a second birthday. Probably not a huge party, but do something as a family and eat cake.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
  • What a great idea.  I am going to do that this year for my twins.  They were born on August 17th of 2011 and we supposed to be born on November 13th.  November 13th still haunts me and makes me feel sick to my stomach so I think that would be a way to make that day a positive!
  • DrRxDrRx member
    We had a full blown party for Adalyn's Un-Birthday this year! We had a cookout and invited a bunch of close friends and family.  It was bigger than her 1st birthday!   We will celebrate both her birthday and her UnBirthday every year, although her UnBirthday will probably be smaller, with a family cookout and a cupcake or cake or whatever.  The weather is so much nicer for her UnBirthday (May) rather than her birthday (February) that we will probably always do a get together for the UnBirthday with an outside element. 

    I should say that her UnBirthday is not a party for gifts or anything like that, and it would really be a family and close friend celebration.  She will have her regular birthday party for her friends, etc, as she gets older on her actual birthday.  

    Not everyone is like this, and there is no wrong or right way to feel about it, but celebrating her UnBirthday for me helps me cope and deal with our long and hard NICU journey. 

    TTC Since July 2008.
    Me: PCOS DH: Low everything (MFI)
    Clomid with TI x 3 2010 BFN
    Clomid+IUI+Ovidrel 2010 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 2011
    9/8/11 Beta #1: 2082!! 9/19/11 Beta#2 34,689!! U/S 9/22/11 HR 127! 11/8/11 HR 150! 12/6/11 HR 136! 12/14/11 HR 139! Born at 26w2d on 2/4/2012! After 83 days in the NICU, Adalyn came home on 4/26/12!
    FET 1 3/2013 BFN
    FET 2 5/2013 BFN
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • great idea. 

    We dont celebrate her un-birthday but we did and will continue to celebrate her homecoming day (about 3 weeks after her due date) by delivering books to our NICU
    mom to V; 25 weeker born at 1lb 7oz
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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