Hi ladies
Our twins just turned 7 months and we really felt like from 5.5 months we had made a lot of progress with sleeping. Ds was sleeping fairly consistently through the night from 7-5:30 and dd would wake once around 10:30 to feed but then sleep until 5:30 as well.
About 2 wks ago that all changed and I'm wondering what we're doing wrong if anything. They started waking before their immunizations but that did happen in the middle of this. Both babies cut a tooth as well but it's just weird bc they've been so happy and cheerful during the day that the tooth thing didn't seem to be bothering them. So now both babies are waking up crying realllllly hard bordering screaming around 9:30 or 10. They are so hungry and down 4 oz. then they are waking again at various times. Ds usually 12:45ish and dd 3amish. It's so hard to get them back to sleep. We are trying to soothe them a little and then back in the crib but they'll fall asleep and then be up again in a half hour. Just very uncharacteristic of them. Would you attribute this to the teeth? They've both already cut through so I would think the worst is over....but last night was as crappy as ever. I feel like such a bad mom for getting frustrated. They are such good babies but fragmented sleep sucks so bad. Not trying to complain. Just looking for some pointers or suggestions. I'm trying to understand whether this is a growth spurt, teeth, or habits that need to be broken. Thank you!!
Re: 7 months more night wakings