Is anyone else having sleep troubles with their LO? My DD is having a tough time at night. She has recently discovered how to get her pants and diaper off - which I know is making it more difficult. The night before last she was up screaming bloody murder around 10:30p (bedtime is usually 8p, but we ran late and didn't get her down until 8:30p). Turns out she had taken her pants and diaper off and peed everywhere. Of course we had no clean linen for her bed, so I brought her to bed with us - that resulted in poor sleep for all of us and an early wake up (6A rather than 6:40-7:20a). She napped fine yesterday (3.25 hours which is really long for her). Last night we decided to tape her diaper (apparently I did the whole take it off this as a kid and my folks would put electrical tape around it), and she still woke up around 1a stuck in her pj bottoms this time . I changed her, snuggled for a few min and put her back down. She screamed for a good 20min before I gave up and brought her to bed with us again. I know that's possibly creating a habit, but I'm seriously at my wits end. She woke at 5:15 this am, I put her back in her crib in hopes of her going back to sleep with no luck. Instead she cried for 40min until I got her. Any suggestions? We are all exhausted and cranky
Re: Sleep issues anyone?
I understand that! Taking LO to bed with you when it's not part of your routine is a very bad habbit to get into. And as you can see, no one sleeps. My LO is very bad about the diaper issue as well. My current solution is to put a onsie on over a diaper, then put another diaper and onsie on over top of that, then finish it off with pj PANTS. Shorts will still allow access. My LO is a hot-pot and has stayed comfortable with us just turning on the ceiling fan.
Try to figure out why your LO is not sleeping. Only when you figure out the change that has occured, can you fix it. Try putting LO to bed earlier, even by just 30 minutes. Make sure she gets plenty of physical activity so that she is tired when she goes to bed. But keep in mind that an overtired baby is not good. Sleeping in the same bed may seem like an easy fix, but in my experience it only makes things worse.
If your LO is teething, maybe try some orajel or some tylenol before bed. GL!