TTC after 35

So my IUI just got cancelled...

And to say I am devastated would be a gross understatement. This was my first cycle on injectables and I had amazing follies. I was supposed to trigger tmrw. When the nurse called me this afternoon, I knew it wasn't going to be good news. She said my glucose levels were way too high and that being pregnant right now wouldn't be a good thing. I am seeing a different RE than the once I conceived my son with. They appear to be loads more thorough because I have already had a battery of tests that my old RE never took. I guess this is supposed to be a good thing. My guess is I will start on Metformin next week and depending on how my body responds, I will either have to skip this current cycle and the next or worse case, August, Sept and Oct. This would be horrible. I'm, hoping that I can change my diet starting immediately with the hopes that I can get my blood sugar levels down. Does anyone have any experience with Metformin? What can I expect?

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Re: So my IUI just got cancelled...

  • Oh no!! I have no experience with metformin but I'm so sorry your cycle was canceled. That's got to be heartbreaking.
    Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.
  • I am really sorry that your cycle got cancelled.  I have no experience with Metformin.  Best of luck. 
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  • It is too bad that your cycle got cancelled but I am glad they were watching your glucose. Taking this time to make sure your body is as healthly as possible will be better in the long run. Good luck with bringing your numbers down.
  • QOTRQOTR member
    What a disappointment!  I hope you receive good news about the rescheduling. 
    Me-41, Hubby-40.
    1st BFP-8/17/12!  Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US.  D&C.
    2nd BFP-2/13/13!  Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
    3rd BFP-5/22/13!  By early June, progesterone plummeting.  Another loss.
    August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
    Dear Son born 5/28/14
  • I took metformin, I had no issues, didn't even register I was taking a drug. But you do need to make sure your creatins (?) checked every few months to make sure kidneys aren't working too hard. Any chance you have PCOS? For PCOS recommend a low GI diet, eliminate processed foods, drink non sugary beverages etc etc, yo can look up pcos diet if that helps.

    So sorry to hear, I had a IUI cancelled and was told I was going in for surgery so i can empathsize with you.

    My Ovulation Chart

    Me: 41 DH: 46. We are TTC our 1st, started July '11,
    3 cycles clomid with Ob,
    1 cycle Tamoxifen with Ob,
    Diagnosed PCOS 11/5/12
    clomid, trigger & timed bd 12/12 BFN
    1st clomid IUI 1/4/13 BFN.
    2nd clomid IUI 2/13 cancelled didn't respond to clomid.
    3/15/13 scheduled laparoscopy & on bcp.

    May 10 IUI from injectibles - BFN 

    May 22 done with interventions it will either happen or it won't. 

    February 2014 No longer actively trying, but not preventing. 

    SURPISE BFP 4/2/2015!!!!!!!!!!

    Miscarriage 4/23/15


  • Sorry to hear of your cancellation.  I can understand the disappointment.  Hope that all gets cleared up real soon, so you can get back on track to your BFP!  Take care.
    Lilypie Trying to Conceive 15 to 80 day cycle tickers
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