Baby Names

Your thoughts

We don't know what we're having, but we've recently thought we'd choose Maureen for a girl. Any thoughts, good or bad? Be harsh--I can take it!
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Re: Your thoughts

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    edited August 2013
    I don't hate it and I don't love it.  It sounds a little dated to me.  Have you thought about Maren or Margot?
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    BeachCoupleBeachCouple member
    edited August 2013
    I agree with the PinkLilly, but it may be because almost everyone I know with that name is 55+
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    magsugar13magsugar13 member
    edited August 2013

    I like it

    it is spelled correctly, and actual name, and not over used


    as far as dated, it is a lot less dated than all the mable, hazel, gertrudes going around.

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    It's NMS, but a solid name nonetheless. I have no complaints.



    This isn't what you're asking, but I like Maura more than Maureen.

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    I'm not a fan... It just sounds like an old lady-not in a good way  sorry! :-S
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    I love it. It's more of a classic name that isn't used often, and it has Irish connotations, which I like.
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    It's not terrible but it doesn't thrill me.


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    It's ok.  I grew up in an area with a decent sized Irish American population, so I have heard it a lot.  I picture a woman my mom's age (late 50s early 60s).


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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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    Every Maureen I know is 50+ yrs old. Im not a fan, at all.

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    I don't hate it and I don't love it.  It sounds a little dated to me.  Have you thought about Maren or Margot?

    I agree with this. I'm not a fan of the old lady name trend, sorry.
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    I like it
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    My friend's name is Maureen and we call her Mo. She's Irish. It's a good name.

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    NMS, but by no means a bad think it has some '50's charm, but I personally just don't care for it as much as similar names. Still a good choice, though.
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    I think of the spunky lesbian from RENT. Not a bad association in my mind, and it makes the name sound not like an old lady. I like it well enough. I don't think I'd use it personally, but if I heard it on a little girl I'd respect her parents.



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    NerdyLucy said:

    It's NMS, but a solid name nonetheless. I have no complaints.



    This isn't what you're asking, but I like Maura more than Maureen.

    All of this!

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    It's a true name, girls name for a girl, and spelled as it was intended, so I want to say, yes, yes, yes! But I do get the old lady vibe. I think it'll work when she's an adult. But for the growing up years, if she's popular, she'll be able to rock it. If she's more the socially awkward type, I don't see it doing her any favors. Not that a name defines you, but it can be an element to how you get defined by the world.
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    I like it. I do prefer Maura though. I really don't get pp's caution about a Maureen being popular vs socially awkward. It's not that weird of a name.
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    I think it's a good, solid name. 
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    I like it. I do prefer Maura though. I really don't get pp's caution about a Maureen being popular vs socially awkward. It's not that weird of a name.

    I said that not for the weirdness, but for the old ladyness. Just my sense of the name, may just be me. Disregard my comment at will!
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    I've never like "Maur" prefixes in names. (Maura is another one). I want to like it, but don't. Can't articulate why... I just guess I don't find it pretty? I do, however, like similar names. Love the suggestion of Margot. So spunky and underused! Also, other "een" names that are lovely and underused: Colleen, Kathleen. I haven't met a baby Colleen in ages. It would be exciting to meet one!
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    I've never like "Maur" prefixes in names. (Maura is another one). I want to like it, but don't. Can't articulate why... I just guess I don't find it pretty? I do, however, like similar names. Love the suggestion of Margot. So spunky and underused! Also, other "een" names that are lovely and underused: Colleen, Kathleen. I haven't met a baby Colleen in ages. It would be exciting to meet one!

    Ps. It doesn't totally fit the old lady trend for me. I actually envision a young, shy, bookish girl. Normally, being shy and bookish myself, that's not a bad thing, but for some reason, it's not a positive association for me.

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    I like it but I love the name Margot so once I see that in a thread it tops the other options.
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    I like Maura and Margot better, but I went to a Catholic high school so I know plenty of Maureens my age. It's very Irish to me. I don't have good or bad associations with it. I think it's a fine choice. 
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    Maureen makes me think of an old lady, not a little baby.  Sorry :-/
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    It's a fine name, but sounds dated. I think it'd be sweet to meet a little girl named Maureen.
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    I also have a bad association with this name, so I really dislike it. I do like Eileen though!
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    I like it. And I never hear it used.
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    Thanks for the feedback. I must really love it because the negative responses don't bother me at all!
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    My BIL named his daughter that 3 years ago. It's NMS but it suits her.
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    I like it a lot! It's nice and you don't hear it often. However, I do think of Idina Menzel's character in Rent.

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    I like it. I don't associate it with the old lady trend that is so popular lately. I think it's strange that pp's are saying its dated. It's far less dated to my ears then Ruth, Hazel, etc.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

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