Hi! Lurker gathering info. Thanks for all the tips & tricks!
Has anyone ever done the math or ran numbers to calculate savings? I'm a business teacher, so I need data/evidence/proof. It's just my nature.
I love the idea of CDing and H is on board, but is it truly cheaper?
EDD: 10/5
Team Green
Re: The math?
We are seriously considering only one child; I need to look at pros and cons in all areas not just financial. I've found a local CD swap/garage sale, factoring in second-hand prices may tip the scales.
I live in a very HCOL area, so even on sale name brand disposable diapers are over 40 cents each. Regular price they are 50 cents each. It would easily cost over $2000 to $2500 to diaper one child in disposables here. Yes, there is Amazon Mom, but I have to pay sales tax on Amazon, so it only gets the price down to the 28 to 30 cent range. And I have to be home to receive a package, which isn't going to happen every time. And that still makes 2 years of disposables cost over $1200. Plus it's rare for a disposable-diapered baby to potty train by 2, so going that route would make diapering even more expensive.
DD's diapers cost $700, and I could have spent less. I imagine I'll be able to sell them for $350 to $400. So way cheaper to use cloth. I don't use fancy detergent - just Tide that I'd be buying anyway.
For us, it's been pro all the way and pretty much zero con. The few times we used disposables when DD was still EBF she had a poop leak every.single.time. It was so awful. The only poop leak we've ever had with cloth was due to user error. Plus I love that I've never had to run out and buy diapers. The only reason I can think of where I wouldn't do cloth is if I didn't have a washing machine.
Elastic can stretch and PUL can crack.
The PUL on my bumGenius diapers is still great after 15 months of use, but I can tell the elastic will need to be replaced before we use them on the next child.