May 2012 Moms

OAD- anyone else?

With all of the new babies on the way for this board, it just got me wondering if I'm the only one here who is one and done? It was always our plan to be OAD and I'm even more convinced that I don't have the energy for more than one!

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Re: OAD- anyone else?

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    I'll never be OAD since I have a DS from a previous relationship, but I always figured that DD would be the only one for DH and I (he only expressed the desire for one). Now though, as much of a handful as DD is, I think he wants another...eventually. I'm on the fence. DD is a joy but it's been a real journey with her. If we choose to have another we'd wait at least another year, but not more than 4 years.

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    We may be oad due to finances

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    i'd really like to be OAD but DH feels differently about it.  we will have some talking to do next spring that is for sure!
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    I flip flop back and forth between one and done and thinking about another. My and DH's relationship has been pretty rocky for a while now and he's been on my ass about having another but until we fix things and things turn around I'm definitely not considering it.
    BabyFetus Ticker

    Corbin | born 4.19.12
    Baby boy #2 | due 4.13.15
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    One and done here. DH has two boys from a previous relationship and we agreed on only one before we got married. DH had his vasectomy on November so definitely one and done. Even if we wanted another financially we just couldn't do it.
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    Once upon a time, I wanted four or five... After 20 cycles of trying, 9 months of pregnancy and 14 months of waking up every few hours at night, I wouldn't be disappointed if we ended up OAD. We've at least tabled the discussion for another 18 months or so.
    TTC #1 Since 01.2010 | Cycle 19: BFP 09.17.11 | Baby girl born on her due date 05.23.12
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    I was a one and done for the 1st year of Nic's life (DS#1).  Then at 18 months, I still couldn't think about another baby but the idea was not so scary anymore.  When Nic turned 2, we started talking about the pros of having baby #2.  By 2.5 we decided that we couldn't totally have another baby and got excited about the idea.  About a month later we were pregnant.  

    Babies are hard work and I couldn't think of another baby until I was not nursing and the exhausting 1st year was a distant fading memory.  I'm so glad we decided on having another baby, Lucas is great but DH and I are done now (DH had a V about 4 months ago).  
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