Background... We were sent home from the NICU with a ton of Neosure and told to use if twice a day. DD was born at 33w4d, 18 days in NICU, mostly to grow. They knew I was making more milk than DD takes in.
The day after discharge, we saw the pediatrician. She wasn't convinced that we HAD to do the Neosure since I was making kinda left it up to us to decide. and we're also giving DD Poly-Vi-Sol with Iron to increase her Iron and Vitamin D, although we were never told she was anemic.
In the next few days, poor girl got so bound up from all the iron that she didn't want to take any more bottles from us...bmilk or Neosure. So we gave up the Neosure for the weekend and only continued with the Poly-Vi-Sol drops. I got her breastfeeding about 85% of her feedings on Sunday.
I've only felt confident doing this because our hospital's lactation dept lent us a milk weight scale for a week. So I've been able to see her volumes with each feeding and she's actually taking more than any of her bottle feedings and her overall body weight has consistently gone up.
I keep wondering if we're doing the right thing...but she's nursing more volume in a shorter amount of time per session than it took to take a bottle and she's no longer constipated, so actually wants to eat.
I'm interested to see how it continues and how our next pediatrician appt goes on the 13th.
Any Neosure experienced Mommas out there with thoughts, advice, similar scenarios?
Re: Stopped Neosure on owm
I was confident in my milk production and my boys' ability to nurse effectively, so I never went out and bought formula. Plus, we had a weight check 2 days after discharge. When they had both gained, the pedi agreed that we didnt need to fortify w neosure. We had another appt 2 weeks later and they had both gained over a pound each.
[i don't know if you saw my post on A13, so sorry for the repeat if you did]
Then at 6 mo the pedi became concerned about their lack of weight gain and almost scared me into stopping BFing. I'm glad I didn't completely listen to her otherwise my boys and I wouldn't have received the benefits of BFing for the whole first year. I ended up fortifying two bottles a day and then started gaining weight appropriately again. They stayed on Neosure until about 13 months old.
Your pedi has given you their recommendation plus you've done your own trials and are tracking it closely, so I'd say go with what works for you and her. As far as the iron supplements goes, preemies are at risk for anemia because they didn't get the benefits of building their iron stores as long as a full termer. Your pedi will likely check her blood levels periodically to ensure she doesn't become anemic. We stopped giving poly-vi-sol at 9 months old because they were within normal range. I don't believe every preemie needs to be on Neosure for an extended period of time.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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This. Except after 12 actual weeks he gained 4lbs in a month and the Neosure was making him constipated and gassy the pedi gave the blessing to switch to something lighter. He's currently of the Similac Sensitive and seems to be doing fine.