November 2012 Moms

Anyone else's LO...

... push so hard to try and poop that LO throws up?

This has happened to Z a few times this week. Should I up his water/juice intake to once every other day, rather than when I notice when his poop is getting hard?

Nov 2012 BMB January Siggy Challenge
Those Presedential Fitness Tests Were Torture


Re: Anyone else's LO...

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    I give LO water with every solid meal, three times daily. He has never had any problem with bowel movements whatsoever. Our pedi has suggested daily water intake with meals when we started solids.
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    Thanks ladies. Looks like I will start giving a sippy every day then. Better safe than sorry.
    Nov 2012 BMB January Siggy Challenge
    Those Presedential Fitness Tests Were Torture


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