
twitter charity account? help me

I know squat about twitter. I created a community charity website a while ago. It lists local charities, volunteer information, donation requests etc. I posted about it and the board was very helpful with suggestions. It was mentioned to me IRL that I should add a twitter account. I thought I could send tweets highlighting the different local charities by suggesting a good deed or donation request.


Drop of your extra boxes and bags at XYZ food pantry this weekend.

Take the whole family and spend an hour helping sort clothing at ABC charity.

A+ charity needs toothpaste and soap this week if you can spare a few dollars.


Is this a good idea or waste of time?

Would you sign up to receive these messages?

How often should I send them out?

Any other thoughts or information about twitter that would help me?

 I can always count on this board for ideas. TIA 
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