July 2012 Moms

I'm back! What did I miss?

Been gone all week on a Canadian cruise with my in-laws!  It was fun but I missed all my internet pals.  What did I miss?  Any good drama?  Any NYC or Boston meetup news?  Spill, hos, spill.

Re: I'm back! What did I miss?

  • zyaszyas member
    Welcome back! Where did you go on your cruise? East or west coast?
  • LO did pretty well!  He seemed a bit fussier than normal- possibly a mix of the change of scene, all the extra attention, and hopefully some more teeth (he still only has the 2 bottom fronts), but he slept well and we made it work.

    The cruise left from NYC (so great, since that's where we live- DH's twin/SIL and his parents flew in) and stopped at St. John and Halifax.  DH and I did a 7-day cruise years ago that felt a little long to me, and I thought the 5-day cruise was just perfect.
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