Cloth Diapering


I've been cding my 6 week old with mostly prefolds and covers but he's big enough to fit in OS diapers and to be honest I'm not loving the prefolds so I'm looking at different options. I have a few Charlie Bananas that I like but I'm considering grovia or gdiapers. What can you tell me about them? Thanks!
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Re: grovia/gdiapers?

  • Danie007Danie007 member
    edited August 2013
    I personally hate gdiapers, and GroVias aren't my favorite. However, if I had to choose between the two I would pick GroVias hands down.

    Edit: I am assuming you are talking about the GroVia hybrids since gdiapers are hybrids.
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  • I have a bunch of the GroVia AIO and I love them. They are super trim and hold a lot. I also have the GroVia hybrid system and its ok but I definitely prefer the Best Bottom system more.

    I have never used gDiapers but all the different sizes make it seem more costly to me.


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  • Between the two, I far prefer Grovia.

    gDiapers are not as versatile and I would never use them for overnight or even a nap.

    Grovia shells are great, though I prefer just tri-folding a prefold into them over using their snap-in soaker. I find the soaker to be less absorbent than a prefold. But, I still prefer them to gDiapers. If you go with this system, just realize it may not be a good overnight option long term unless you use a hemp or bamboo prefold instead of the soakers.
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  • I love the gdiapers for the newborn stage. I used the starter set that came with the newborn size and the smalls. DD grew out of the newborn size very quickly, and I thought it was frustrating that you have to use the disposable inserts with them. I really liked the small size ones. They were very trim and a good transition when OS dipes were still too big. I think the extra snap-in liners are necessary though for newborn poo. I have 2 medium size, but I think they're just ok. The rise is a little weird on my DD, so the elastic waistband lands at a weird spot. I use prefolds with the medium size instead of the gcloth.
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