I'm so afraid my babies will end up in the NICU as many twins do. I'm tiny and my ob doesn't think I will carry passed 34 weeks. Anyway if they are in the NICU can I breastfeed them? If I have to pump and bottle feed will they ever learn to latch? I exclusively bf my dd for 15 months and it's so important that my twins receive the same benefit.
Re: breastfeeding in NICU?
TTC since 5/2010
DX with Diminished Ovarian Reserve - AMH of 1.1 - 7/2011; AMH of .42 8/2012BFP 9/1/10-M/C confirmed 9/8/10-Methotrexate 10/6/10
IUI #1 (w/clomid)-9/5/11-BFN ; IUI #2 (w/clomid)-10/5/11 - BFP - 11/1/12-No sac seen; 11/2/11 and 11/9/11-Methotrexate
IVF #1- ER 2/2; ET 2/5;-Two 8 cell embryos transfered = BFFN
Surprise BFP - 5/7/12
U/S on 6/8/12 - H/B at 128 BPM; U/S on 6/14/12 @ 9wks-No H/B-D&C on 6/17/12
IVF 2.0- ER 10/17; ET 10/20-One 12 cell, one 10 cell and one 8 cell embryo transfered
BFP! 11/16/12 U/S- Two nuggets with perfect heartbeats! EDD 7/10/13
5/31/2013- My miracles arrived at 34w2d! Welcome to the world Harper and Nolan!
My Blog- http://waitingonaangel.wordpress.com/
The first or second day, I got both of them to latch individually for what the NICU called "non-nutritive sucking" which essentially was practice but not meant to replace a feeding. I pumped for 30 min every 3 hours around the clock and got ZERO for 3 days. The NICU forced me to start supplementing which crushed me. But it had taken 5 days for my milk to come in with my first, and I successfully BFed him for 20 mo, so I just kept pumping.
Every time I'd see them, I'd try to get them to latch. My A was way better than my B, but it was absolutely fascinating to watch him learn suck/swallow/breathe over the course of a week or so.
I finally caught up to their feeds around a week and a half. After I was discharged, I spent my days in the NICU. I made a deal w the nurses that I'd nurse for 15 or 20 min and then they'd put half their feed in their feeding tube. I would nurse each individually and then pump. It was time consuming, but it's the NICU and all you really want to do is fill time until your babies come home.
Towards the end of their stay, I started to tandem feed them and not use the feeding tube at all. I again made a deal w the nurses that as long as they gained, this was okay. All other feedings were bottle feedings.
Today, we EBF [tandem BF]. We were supposed to fortify BM bottles w formula for half their feeds, but that sounded like a pita so I just nursed them an when they gained at their weight check 2 days later, I got the official okay to just nurse. Two weeks later, They gained over a pound each and are averaging over an ounce a day.
I credit the vast majority of my confidence with successfully BFing my first for so long. All I had to do this time was get tandem down and I had a great NICU nurse that taught me. We still do bottles - one every other day or so - but that's more to keep them used to it as I'll be going back to work.
Sorry that turned into an absolute novel.
My boys had IUGR and were 4.5 lbs at discharge, so we had to supplement 2x/day with Neosure for their weight. Both of my boys had significant latch issues and I had horrific pain and bleeding issues due to those problems. It also resulted in a supply drop and I was never able to EBF. I nursed and pumped to 7.5 months, but it was never pain free. I met with a LC multiple times, but even she encouraged me to quit. I so wish I had located a twin friendly LC. I think someone who was willing to push me and really problem solve would have made all the difference. That's always my #1 piece of advice- find a great LC with twin experience!!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!