October 2011 Moms

Non-sippy cups... you know, regular cups

Does your LO drink from a regular, open-top, non-sippy cup?

We have only practiced with regular (albeit small, kiddie sized) cups a handful of times and usually just use sippy cups. E tends to tip regular cups up so that all the water spills on her, then she gets upset and won't try again. I feel like we might be behind on this skill, so I wanted to see how everyone else is doing.

BFP #1: 3/4/2011 ~ EDD 11/14/2011 ~ DD Born 10/26/2011
BFP #2: 10/12/2013 ~ EDD 6/23/2014 ~ Natural MC 10/28/2013 @ 6wk
BFP #3: 6/4/2014 ~ EDD 2/13/2015 ~ b-HCG dropped 6/18/2014, Natural MC 6/20/2014 @ 6wk

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Re: Non-sippy cups... you know, regular cups

  • LBB is hit or miss most of the time.  Sometimes he's all about it and will drink from the regular cup (mine or DH's) fine.  Sometimes he pours it all over himself.  Sometimes he tries to put the cup around his mouth instead of putting his mouth around the cup.

    The only thing we have 100% luck with is "tea."  We were at a Chinese restaurant in June and he really wanted the tea from the little tea cup we were all drinking, so I poured some water in there and he drank it perfectly (maybe because the cup is smaller/shorter?) holding it with two hands.  Now he loves to have "tea" with me in the morning.  I drink tea from a mug, he has some warm water in my ceramic 1/2 cup measuring cup (it's the closest thing we have to a teacup they have in Chinese restaurants, although I'm tempted to order some from Pearl River)
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  • The only thing we have 100% luck with is "tea."  We were at a Chinese restaurant in June and he really wanted the tea from the little tea cup we were all drinking, so I poured some water in there and he drank it perfectly (maybe because the cup is smaller/shorter?) holding it with two hands.  Now he loves to have "tea" with me in the morning.  I drink tea from a mug, he has some warm water in my ceramic 1/2 cup measuring cup (it's the closest thing we have to a teacup they have in Chinese restaurants, although I'm tempted to order some from Pearl River)

    That's awesome! I think I'll try to have E drink out of a cup from her little tea set!

    BFP #1: 3/4/2011 ~ EDD 11/14/2011 ~ DD Born 10/26/2011
    BFP #2: 10/12/2013 ~ EDD 6/23/2014 ~ Natural MC 10/28/2013 @ 6wk
    BFP #3: 6/4/2014 ~ EDD 2/13/2015 ~ b-HCG dropped 6/18/2014, Natural MC 6/20/2014 @ 6wk

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • Lily is awesome with regular cups, has been for a long time.  When she's wandering around the house, though, it's sippy or nothing (although she steals from our cups all the time, too).  We've started giving her some milk or juice in a regular cup at some meals.  Unfortunately, the last few days she's gotten into throwing her food into the cup or sticking her hand in it and making a mess.

    BFP #1: July 12, 2010 Natural M/C: July 26, 2010

    BFP #2: January 30 ,2011 Born: September 29, 2011

    BFP #3: January 5, 2013 Born: August 25, 2013



  • DS is no where near drinking from a regular cup without a little help/serious supervision.  The last time we tried, the puppy ended up getting a bath.  I'll keep allowing him to try on occasion but I'm not super worried about it.  
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  • DS can technically drink out of a regular cup, but until he has the impulse control to not dump it, or put his hands and other items in it I won't consider him ready for one. It's still very early to make the switch anyway. I just got him this cup that works the same way as a regular cup but is spill proof. It works great and is good for practice. That's the closest we will get to a regular cup for quite some time yet. https://www.amazon.com/Wow-Cup-Kids-Innovative-Drinking/dp/B00AOFZKB0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375541253&sr=8-1&keywords=Wow+cup
  • Cate1234 said:

    DS can drink out of a cup, but will usually only take a few sips before dumping it on the floor.

    This. Dumping it out is too fun to resist.
  • Lo is physically capable but I don't give them to her unless she's sharing with me and I hold the cup.
  • My plan was to try the Avent training cup down the road... Anyone tried it yet? Gavin is full time with the sippy cup for now.


    DS born Oct. '11

    TTC #2 with PCOS since Nov. '13

    Dx: Low Progesterone (3.3) on 8/12/14

    Waiting for RE appointment on 10/28/14

    Surprise BFP on cycle 12 -- 10/19/14!

    EDD July 1, 2015

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  • Scarlett can drink out of a regular cup but would much rather play with the contents or watch it spill. So we are still mostly on sippy cups or closed straw cups.
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