Hi Ladies,
My youngest is now 20 months, but my long story is that DD#1 had a milk protein allergy until age 3, and DD#2 had a milk and (likely) soy allergy. I wasn't able to make it past 3 months with either between the extreme colic, near-starvation from being unable to function enough on 1-2 hours of sleep a night and 6-8 hours of crying during the day to research what I COULD eat on a DF/SF diet, major nipple trauma due to inverted nipple, etc. They both wound up on Alimentum, and we all survived, but the 20 month old still acts colicky quite often, and the 5 year old suffers from psoriasis. Nothing we can put our finger on, but I always suspect food intolerances to contribute to these vague maladies.
Anyway, about 3 months ago, I very suddenly was completely unable to tolerate milk products at all. This happened practically overnight, and taking Lactaid pills did nothing to help the situation. In fact, if I had even small amounts of dairy 2-3 days in a row, I would get fairly ill, to the point where several times I thought I had a stomach virus. Terrible stomach pain and diarrhea for days.
Now that I've pinpointed dairy and eliminated it, I still find myself having digestive problems, although not as severe. It's almost as if I've eaten some hidden dairy, but I can't figure out what. After having done DF twice already, I think I'm pretty good at not having hidden dairy, so I'm starting to think it's soy, too. Yikes.
So, on top of feeling terribly guilty (because I feel like I was the cause of my childrens' misery as babies), I have no idea what to eat. I'm already having trouble finding things I like to eat. The DF ice creams and yogurts are awful. I drink my coffee black now rather than put some grainy, pasty "creamer" in it. I often just skip meals altogether because I just can't find something to eat and after feeding 2 kids and cleaning up after them, who has time to spend an hour fixing a meal for themselves?
But my MAJOR problem is that we are going to Disney in 2 weeks with my entire family, and I'm afraid I'm going to spend the entire week with diarrhea! We are staying outside the park and will have a fridge, so I can buy food and bring it with me, but A)I don't even know what to buy & pack now that I suspect soy, too, and I'm sure we will have to eat SOME meals in restaurants.
ANY suggestions would be super-appreciated!
Re: Soy/dairy free in Disney World?
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
Grilled chicken and roasted/steamed veggies, or salad with grilled chicken are good options at restaurants. Just tell them your restrictions and make sure they don't use butter.
Have you talked to your doctor about this? Have they ruled out your gallbladder?
DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy
c/p 4/1/11
DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananas
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