
So if you don't have a pan with a rack...

What do you use? I want to make this pork roast, but it says I need to cook it on a rack with 1/4" of water underneath. I don't have a pan with a rack, so any suggestions? Should I just make it without?

Re: So if you don't have a pan with a rack...

  • Actually, I have a turkey roasting pan with a rack. It's kind of big, but I guess I could use that?
  • I normally use a crockpot. 

    Also, I read this and immediately thought "why would a pan have boobs?" 
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  • RayRay007RayRay007 member
    edited August 2013
    Before I had a roaster with a rack I cooked a chicken on a steamer basket in the roaster. 


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  • Thanks everyone! I didn't even think of using veggies, and I love the steamer basket idea.
  • Ball up some foil and stick it under the meat.
    I actually just saw this on Pinterest, it's pretty ingenious. Thanks!
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