
Flu like symptoms

Hi! I'm 36 wks tomorrow with di/di twin girls. The last two days I have felt like I'm getting the flu. Body chills, nauseau and achie bone. Anyone else experience this at the end?

Re: Flu like symptoms

  • Im feeling it now but Im not quite as far along as you are. Make sure you are keeping up with your fluids (especially if you have loose bowel movements) and make sure you are getting as muvh rest as you can. I called my OB and this was the advice I was given and told if symptoms persist or I was concerned to go in and see them. They told me there is a GI bug going around right now though so that could be the reason.
  • Thank you! I feel like this is a mean joke. Although I have had an amazing pregnancy until this.
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  • I can relate. So much! My pregnancy has been, for the most part, pretty good. Now in my 31st week, its just getting harder and harder by the day. I pray I make it as far along as you are so that my boys can grow and develop more but I certainly wish that days would go by like minutes instead of feeling like months. I joke with DH that I feel like this is my "jessica simpson pregnancy" as in the fact that I feel like Ive been pregnant forever!!! Lol.
  • yesterday my body decided to reject ALL foods and fluids. no clue why, no real fever... just a sore body and inability to keep anything down. 

    I laugh at the "mean joke" comment. I actually threw up yesterday more than I have the rest of my pregnancy.
    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
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