Two Under 2

Getting nervous - activities for 2u2/BFing

My son is 20 months old and our new baby boy is due in 1 week.  We live in NYC so we don't have a yard etc.  I'm getting a little nervous about being home in a small apartment with a VERY active toddler and a newborn.  I love going to the park or classes with my first but he is defintely a handful and has to be monitored/chased all the time:)  The parks are so full and the jungglegyms are for all ages that its not safe for him to be alone on them at this point.

Can anyone suggest some good activities to do with a toddler and newborn at home or out and about?  And how did you get your first to sit still while you breastfed every 2-3 hours in the beginning?

Thanks for any help or suggestions. 

Re: Getting nervous - activities for 2u2/BFing

  • If you don't have an Ergo get one now! My DS2 has lived in that thing. It's great when we are where I need to be hands free to help DS1. Story times are an option. If you have anything like monkey joes DS1 can jump and play and you can help him if you keep baby in the Ergo. I go to Target sometimes to get out. We take the stroller and just play in the toy aisle. DS2 has fun watching DS1 play with the toys. Will he ride in the stroller? You can just go for a walk and not really "go"anywhere. Your little one will also like music classes again in the Ergo or sitting in the stroller next to you.
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  • I had a Maya wrap and learned to nurse in it.  It changed my life!!  #3 ate every 2-3 hours for almost an hr each time.  I had to figure out a way to feed her and entertain the other 2.  Definitely look into it - I would nurse her while shopping st Target, at the other kids activites, playgrounds, etc.  You can YouTube instructions on nursing in a ring sling!
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  • Just wanted to say good luck. We use to live in NYC so I feel ya on the small apt & active kid. We moved just went DS was starting to crawl around. He's 20mo now and I'm due in Sept with #2. Would any of the activities listed thru Big City Mom's be fun for him and you? We liked Rockin With Andy. Maybe for at home a special box of things that he only gets to play with when you're sitting nursing baby? I've been trying to add "sitting" things to our repertoire when I can.
  • If you think about it your toddler eats a meal, a snack, or takes a nap every 2 hours - if you can work with baby's schedule (this may take a while but eventually) you can kind of time it so you are nursing while DS1 is already engaged in something else.  
    While I was home on ML DS1 watched more TV, played on the ipad, and got more snacks than I normally allow.  But it was temporary and necessary for my sanity.  Don't feel guilty if you have to resort to these things sometimes.  

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