(I've been off the boards for a while following the birth of my child)
I had surgery to remove a very large ovarian cyst about a month after my postpartum checkup. A week after my surgery, I ended up in the ER with a pulmonary embolism, and had to be in the hospital for a week. I'm now on warfarin for the next 6 months.
Although we certainly don't intend to apply to an agency within that time period, I can't help wondering if this will affect our status with agencies long after I'm off the blood thinners. Does anyone know if a medical history with a PE in it is a disqualifier anywhere? It was definitely a complication from the surgery, and I have no other risk factors.
Thank you!

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Re: Adoption after a major medical event
It shouldn't be a problem with a note from your dr saying you're healthy and expected to have a normal lifespan.
Glad you're OK. My dad had 2 PEs that were undiagnosed for 2 weeks. Scary stuff
5 Angels
We only looked at domestic adoption, so I can't assist with foreign adoption info. But I am a cervical cancer survivor and domestic agencies didn't blink an eye. The agency did request, however, that my homestudy physical be done by my oncologist, rather than my GP.