Late Term and Child Loss

PAL Check-in

Hello Ladies. 

Welcome to Friday PAL Checkin! This CheckIn is for everyone who is parenting after a loss. If you have an older child or a rainbow baby or both you are welcome to share here. 

I hope everyone is having a good week. If anyone has any suggestions for questions, please don't be shy! 

Where are you in your PAL journey? 

What are some PAL challenges you have faced recently? 

QOTW: How have you incorporated your angel baby into the life of your living child/children. How do you plan to incorporate their lives together?

Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? 
Lilypie - (qptF)

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
"Elsie Irene was born sleeping at 35w 6d on December 8, 2012. Mommy and Daddy miss you sweet girl."

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