September 2013 Moms

Eye Color Calculator

Ever done this? My kids are guaranteed to all have blue eyes, which we figured to be the case before I saw this calculator (and both kids so far have brilliant blue eyes). Fun to do anyway. What's your result for possibilities?

Re: Eye Color Calculator

  • I'll have to do this tomorrow from my laptop, but I already know the answer.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Fun :)
    75% chance brown, 14% chance blue, 11% chance green
    DS1 is still blue at 26 months, but I can see them turning Hazel some day.  Seems like they have more color variation than they used to.  
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  • Guess my blue eyed self and my brown eyed husband have a 100% chance of a green eyed baby.

    ...I think I did something wrong.
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  • I did this a long time ago...I think it's mostly browns? I'll have to get on laptop tomorrow.
    @HBirdie...blame it on insomnia ;)
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  • This is so cool! Looks like my baby has a 70% chance of brown eyes and 20% of green eyes. 
  • 86.3% brown
    8.5% green
    5.1% blue

    Interesting! Although I may have gotten MIL and SIL's eye color mixed up, it only makes for a 3% difference anyway.
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  • 50% Brown

    40% Blue

    10% Green

    DS1 has blue eyes and DS2 has brown eyes. We'll see about this LO but I have been thinking brown from the beginning for some reason.

                                                       Boy #3!

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  • I have done this calculator before and it won't calculate results for me because both of my ILs have blue eyes and DH has green and it says this is impossible. I am not sure if someone isn't sure of their eye color or what (I can't just stare at my ILs to find out, but DH's are definitely green). DS has blue eyes and so do I, so we will see I guess. 
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  • This was pretty cool!  Although a few family members in our family have blue eyes, looks like we have an 86% chance of having brown eyed children.  We were surprised to see we have a higher percentage of green eyed children than blue eyed, even though we don't have any family members with green eyes. 
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  • I did this in early pregnancy and still remember my results. I have brown eyes and DH has blue. We have 50% chance of brown, 37.5% for Blue and 12.5% for Green! Pulling for beautiful blue eyes just like daddy!
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  • Baby has a 50% chance of blue and 50% chance of green, I have green, SO has blue, his and my parents both have one green and one blue..  I was hoping it would give one a little bit higher of a percentage!

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  • super cool, good find ((thanks))!
  • I have hazel eyes so I was not sure exactly what color to choose for my eye color....I went with green.
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  • That was interesting to see.  Looks like ours will either be green (41.7%) or brown (50%). Both of our Dad's and myself all have green eyes.

      photo b2867ff1-04fd-412f-991f-a3e09638ec0f_zps4503f4a7.jpg 


  • It says 72% brown, 13% blue and 13% green. Both of our girls have hazel eyes so I guess its not very accurate.


  • I got 72% brown, 13% blue and 13% green.  But here's a silly question.  If H and I are a different race, does that play a part in the eye color as well?  I'm white and he's Vietnamese.  Obviously all of his family has brown eyes as they are all 100% Vietnamese. 

    Sure, the calculator says there is a chance of blue or green, but is that true if we aren't both the same race?  I guess I always assumed our kids would have brown eyes even though mine (and a few relatives) aren't brown. 

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  • LilPezLilPez member
    100% Blue eyed babies! Awesome! Thanks for sharing this!
  • That was a fun website!  Looks like LO has a 50% chance of brown, 37.5% chance of blue and 12.5% chance of green.  I have blue eyes and DH has brown. 

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  • 50% brown
    29.1% green
    20.8% blue

    That's with my dad's hazel eyes marked as "green", which is the closest you can pick for hazel.
    Mine are brown and DH's are blue.
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  • It says 72% brown, 13% blue and 13% green. Both of our girls have hazel eyes so I guess its not very accurate.
    Why is it not accurate?  Of the options listed, hazel is genetically closest to green, which you have a 13% chance of having.  
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  • I got 72% brown, 13% blue and 13% green.  But here's a silly question.  If H and I are a different race, does that play a part in the eye color as well?  I'm white and he's Vietnamese.  Obviously all of his family has brown eyes as they are all 100% Vietnamese. 

    Sure, the calculator says there is a chance of blue or green, but is that true if we aren't both the same race?  I guess I always assumed our kids would have brown eyes even though mine (and a few relatives) aren't brown. 

    It's not so much the difference in your races, but the chances of a Vietnamese person having green or blue eyes (ie the percentage of the overall Vietnamese population with non-brown/black eyes).  The 13% for green or blue comes is from the program assuming some small possibility that both you and your husband might have non-brown-eyed relatives further back than your parents that you could both be carriers for the blue or green genes.  Since your Vietnamese husband is really really unlikely to have some great-great-grandparent with blue or green eyes, your chances of having kids with either color are really a lot lower than 13%.  

    Actually, looks like someone else asked this question on their website -
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  • Mine said 50% brown, 37% blue, 12% green. DD has hazel but they may turn brown. I never believed hazel eyes were real until DD came along! They are honestly grayish-greenish-brownish. For a time when she was younger, they were gray. Just plain gray. Very cool!


  • amy11401 said:
    I have hazel eyes so I was not sure exactly what color to choose for my eye color....I went with green.
    That post partum thread had me reading your statement as, "I have witch hazel eyes..." LOL!
  • msronzio said:
    86.3% brown
    8.5% green
    5.1% blue

    Interesting! Although I may have gotten MIL and SIL's eye color mixed up, it only makes for a 3% difference anyway.
    These are my results as well ...

    BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012

    BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013 Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013

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  • LilPez said:
    100% Blue eyed babies! Awesome! Thanks for sharing this!
    ha! I was wondering if anyone else would have the same results as me.  My entire family has blue eyes (mom, dad, two brothers and me), and DH has blue eyes. His family is mixed with Dad having blue eyes. His recessive for it and the fact that I have all recessive and no dominant brown gives us the 100%, I believe. What about you @lilpez?
  • Seems like our LO will have 100% blue eyes. This is expected since both DH and I have very blue eyes.
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  • amy11401 said:
    I have hazel eyes so I was not sure exactly what color to choose for my eye color....I went with green.
    I had no idea either!  Mine are literally multi-colored so it's not even like I'm more of a green hazel or brown hazel, etc.
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  • I did this a while ago too. Like some pp mentioned, my eyes are grey and DHs aren't hazel so much as brown on the outside and olive green on the inside. I say this kid could have anything under the sun :)
  • My eyes are either green or blue depending on... well, I'm not sure what, but they change color throughout the day. But, if we go with green (my usual color) then my LO's have a 50% chance of Brown, 30% Green, 20% Blue.
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