
New 5 weeks early In nicu

Long story! Baby traeger was born July 19th at 3:17. At 35 weeks 5 pounds 13 ounzes. I woke up at four am with too pretty painful contractions I got up to go per and I was dropping blood every where I instantly went in to panic mode grabbing my back waking up df and jumping in the car. Called my mid wife on the way! When I got there they check me I was 4 cm and fully effaced. Since baby traeger was 35 weeks I could not deliver at the current hospital so off I went with my mid wife in ambulance to twin falls. By than (25 min later ) I was dialated to a nine. So the doctors decided to break my water I had very minamal pain. Started pushing at 3:02 and baby boy was here at 3:17! He was instantly brought to nicu do to breathing issues once in nicu they realized his body was not getting rid of the carbon dioxide . So they put him on cpap. And called life flight to go to children's hospital in Bosie. I was a wreck I never got to hold my baby till about 5am on the 20th.... I made twin falls release me and off we drove to Bosie! The next day he came off cpap to regular nasial oxagen. And on the 21st they took his oxagen and iv out. And now we sit here 10 days later waiting for little man to eat better he dose better and better every day and I can not wait to bing him home truly a blessing to have such great medial personal around to help me get my family home I also feel guilty because I am so jealous of people bringing home there babies 3 days after birth

Re: New 5 weeks early In nicu

  • ludaliludali member
    Hi Jenny! Glad to see you on this board...I was from the August BMB too and had baby Tessa at 33w4d. You'll get to have Traeger home soon if you can now. We brought Tessa home yesterday and its already been a whirlwind! I will say our time at the NICU seems like a blessing in disguise...I don't know how Moms give birth and then jump into all of this just a few days later!
  • DrRxDrRx member
    Welcome and congrats on your LO!  I hope he continues to do well with his feedings and that his NICU is short and uneventful from here on out. 
    TTC Since July 2008.
    Me: PCOS DH: Low everything (MFI)
    Clomid with TI x 3 2010 BFN
    Clomid+IUI+Ovidrel 2010 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 2011
    9/8/11 Beta #1: 2082!! 9/19/11 Beta#2 34,689!! U/S 9/22/11 HR 127! 11/8/11 HR 150! 12/6/11 HR 136! 12/14/11 HR 139! Born at 26w2d on 2/4/2012! After 83 days in the NICU, Adalyn came home on 4/26/12!
    FET 1 3/2013 BFN
    FET 2 5/2013 BFN
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • Pips09Pips09 member
    Congrats on your baby!
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

  • Welcome! It sounds like you have a tough little guy!! Hope he's home soon. I was an August 12 mom turned June mom with my 31 weeker. I thought about popping over to tell any preemie moms about this board but I didn't want to scare you. I'm glad you found it!

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • Just wanted to say Hi! from another Aug13 turned June13 momma! I mostly lurk here but wanted to let you know I've been thinking of you & T. Hope you get to take him home soon!

  • Congratulations on the birth of your son. Praying that he is home soon with you.



  • Welcome and congrats! Don't feel guilty about being jealous of those that get to take their babies home - we were in a 2 bed room and in a span of 7 days I watched 3 different families take their babies home. Of course I was happy for them but I cried after each one left...
    Hoping this one stays put a little longer
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • Congrats on your baby boy! Hope he gets eating future out soon, it really can be the most frustrating part of the NICU!

      Our Angel Patricia born sleeping 3/30/12 at 31 weeks
    Our Fighter Anna born early 1/8/13 at 26 weeks
    Hoping to bring home #3 due 9/9/15
  • smpeachey said:

    Congratulations! I delivered my 35 weeker in Ketchum so we are practically neighbors! Luckily we did not have to life flight him to Boise but the whole time I was in labor that was my fear! I would have done whatever it took to get myself to Boise too!

    b. closer neighbors than you think we're from Richfield ha! But so glade to hear you did not have to head up here

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