
Crap on a Cracker

I'm an ice cream junky.  Grew up having it every night.  I just went to get my nightly bowl and I'm almost out.  I didn't buy any this weekend because I forgot/didn't realize how low I was.  We have a rule about only going shopping once a week and if we forget something, well, tough shit.  It saves us a ton of money doing it this way because we're both bad at impulse buys.  So...technically I'm not supposed to go and buy more ice cream.  I can't last a week.  I'm considering going to the store on my way home tomorrow and just getting it.  IF he notices, I'll claim to have bought it Saturday and that he doesn't remember.  It might work!

Married DH 7/30/11

CSC arrived 5/7/12 

CHC arrived 6/2/14

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