1st Trimester

polyurethane exposure

Hi there. I'm just looking for a little reassurance/guidance if anyone has any. I am almost 7 weeks.  I live in an apartment building and noticed a strong chemical odor this morning. I knew they were doing some work on other units in the building (because of the noise) but we hadn't received any notice about them using harmful chemicals, etc...and building management knows that we are expecting and have cats. Well after running fans and opening the windows the smell was still getting stronger. Had DH go check out what was going on and turns of they were finishing the floors in the unit right next door to ours with polyurethane. They had the window open airing it out, and  our window is right next to it, of course wide open. Did a little research and seeing how that stuff is super toxic i am freaking out a bit. We got a hotel for the night and might stay tomorrow night too. I was breathing in the odor for about 3-4 hours. Left a message for my doctor but they won't be open until Monday. Called our building manager and his response was "Oops we thought it was going to be done later in the week and we were totally planning on giving notice. We'll make sure to tell you if its going to happen again." ARG! I'm trying to be calm, its not like I can undo whats already been done but if anyone has experienced anything similar and has any advice I'd love to hear it. Thanks mamas! 

Re: polyurethane exposure

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    I think as long as you didn't experience any adverse effects yourself such as dizziness or headaches, everything should be fine. I would continue to stay at the hotel until the smell is gone though. What a PITA. Sorry you're having to deal with it.

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    As long as your place is well vented, open the windows, etc. you should be fine. We painted our whole house (interior) and just made sure we had fans going and windows opened. That was my first pregnancy and everything was fine.

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    Thanks ladies! That makes me feel a lot better  :)
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    Yeah, you're fine.

    My OB told me once that when it comes to that sort of stuff, if it's adversely affecting you, you'll notice it with being dizzy, feeling sick etc.

    If you're fine you probably are.

    And he said a lot of stuff, the issue is more with the smell triggering m/s than it is actual dangerous. So basically, don't sniff the can and don't eat and you'll be fine. :)

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    Maybe I'm a little nuts, but I would request the apartment manager to pay for the hotel stay and extra dr. appointment.  "oops, we meant to tell you," is not acceptable to me.  If they refused, I'd send a letter requesting the same thing, only it would come from my lawyer and suggest that legal action would be the next step should they fail to comply.  I'm not the kind of mama bear to be messed with though and again, I'm a little nuts, so maybe that would be too much for you.  I like to drive the point home when I feel really strongly about something though.  Hope everything is alright with you and your baby!!


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