April 2013 Moms

Rotavirus Vaccine?

MrsHartman7MrsHartman7 member
edited July 2013 in April 2013 Moms
Our doc does not carry the rotavirus vaccine. I guess when it first came out it had some serious issues, but they have since revamped, but most of her patients dont ask for it so it doesnt make sense for her to carry it. My SIL did not get it for our nephew and their entire household came down with it 2 years in a row, it was aweful! I could go to the public health office for it...just interested in seeing some other opinions on the matter!

Rotavirus Vaccine? 37 votes

Yes we will get it
94% 35 votes
No we wont get it
5% 2 votes
What the heck is this??
0% 0 votes

Re: Rotavirus Vaccine?

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    Rotavirus causes serious diarrhea, apparently really contagious. 
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    Our Pedi Gives It At 2mos, 4 Mos And 6 mos.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

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    kgs0505 said:
    Our Pedi Gives It At 2mos, 4 Mos And 6 mos.

    Same here. It's given orally.
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    We didn't get it only because the office didn't have it for Medicaid patients at the time we were there. Otherwise I would have.


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    PP is correct: "The maximum age for the first dose [of rota vaccine] in the series is 14 weeks, 6 days; and 8 months, 0 days for the final dose in the series. Vaccination should not be initiated for infants aged 15 weeks, 0 days or older." That is from the CDC 2013 schedule.

    And to OPs question, hellz yes I would get it from the health department if you can. Rotavirus can cause fatality in little babies, and is just miserable for older kids and adults. I'm surprised your pedi doesn't carry a CDC recommended vaccine... hello hot spot for an outbreak, yikes!
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    love4blove4b member
    Surprise, surprise - we're not getting it.
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    cece2682 said:
    Well we are past 14 weeks now so no bueno. I did read that and when i asked her she said 12 weeks again I believe but I forget her reasoning. I'll have to ask again. Hope she knows what she's talking about. I am not happy with her already.
    This is us too...I asked about it last week at our 4 mo appt.  She is a family practice doc not a pedi, and I have loved her for a few years now especially through my pregnancy and delivery...but I am really angry we have missed the window.
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    I worked on the clinical trials for the drug at the company that manufactures it. Totally safe and effective, however, it was originally made based in the needs in developing countries where extreme diarrhea and vomiting could mean death, where in the US we are lucky we can get them to the ER and hydrated.  But why put your LO and yourself through a life threatening situation.  
    And the virus can be transmitted by yourself, daycare teacher, nanny, etc - anyone that changes diapers so its not something your LO will never be exposed to.

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