Late Term and Child Loss

Joining Your Board :(

I went to the E.R. last night and received the bad news. I was 11w2d and baby had no heartbeat, plus I was cramping and bleeding.  I cried when I first found out, but now I feel so numb.  People don't blame yourself, there was nothing you could do, but its hard not to. This was my first pregnancy and I have no idea where to even begin to deal with the grief.  I haven't told my parents that I lost the baby yet because they are on their way back from vacation.  This is going to be the hardest thing in my life that I will ever have to do.  I feel like a failure, but I know it's not the end of the world.  Thanks for listening.

Re: Joining Your Board :(

  • I am so very sorry. Losing a baby is extremely hard and I am sorry you have to tell your family the hard news as well. Big hugs to you right now. The best thing for me in working with the grief was through talking with other loss moms. Also consider seeing a counselor. They are a great asset for you to use during this difficult time.
    Lilypie - (qptF)

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    "Elsie Irene was born sleeping at 35w 6d on December 8, 2012. Mommy and Daddy miss you sweet girl."

  • Sorry to welcome you to the board. You might also find support on the miscarriage board, as they all had 1st tri losses. Your selcome to stay here as well, but it is more geared towards 2nd and 3rd tri as well as infant loss. Big big ((hugs) I also recomend counseling and giving yourself time to grieve.

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    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013

    BFP # 2 8/7/14 EDD 4/22/15
    Please be our rainbow!!

    **All AL Welcome**

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